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Everything posted by griz

  1. I think both statements are pretty weak shit. Badbill should keep his badass self out of the way of searchers on the potentially first good search day all week. He's just creating more headache and risk for them by being there.THe SAR dudes have been saying that for days now. Pick another mtn,dude this weekend, keep your subconsciously glory seeking butt out of the way and let the SAR guys do their job without your distraction. He may be within his rights to climb there but that also doesn't make it right. and,yeah,i agree... ymir should tone it down in a thread that is obviously offering some comfort and great info to friends and family.
  2. now that IS a worthy topic. The guys trapped up there are experienced climbers and understand the stakes involved. Any climber worth his weight in blue bags would not want someone else... a person with family,friends and a life beyond climbing to get killed in their search. I would rather die then have the expectation of someone else taking suicidal risks to look for me.
  3. I believe I am providing a valuable "thoughtfulness", apparently beyond your comprehension, by showing, in concert with others here, the lack of validity and authority in your question of competence of the rescuers. I'm sure this knowledge is valuable, particularly to the stranded climbers relations and loved ones, and so, indirectly to the stranded climbers themselves. This is much more constructive than your doubtful speculations. dechristo...cheers.
  4. dude, i can't believe you have not already died in the mtns with thinking like this. disrespect indtended. yes, apart from the extreme avi hazard, not being able to see something a few feet in front of themselves and winds that can launch a body in the air the search conditions are great and I'm starting to think the searchers are pussies too. have at it,stud.
  5. if you are an experienced climber then you must also understand the term "whiteout". feel free to look for people,2 whose location is completely unknown, when you can't even tell if you are about step on snow or walk off a 1000 foot cliff. ps- i think your post sucks and is disrespectful to the amazing efforts going on there.
  6. you also need a permit to go beyond Muir. it's to both control the numbers of climbers and for the saftey and protection of people like you on the mountain that may not realize the potential dangers of such a mountain. Pink was a little harsh sounding to a first time poster but sometimes a little slap in the face is what some people need to get the proper training and not be a walking hazard. runningrat, realize it only takes the sun going behind the clouds to change that soft snow into a sheet of ice. those sneakers and no ice axe would leave you in a world of hurt. if you have questions, consider posting in the Newbies forum for the kid glove treatment and good info. Consider buying Freedom of the Hills too.. a great book that will take you far tempered with some common sense, of course. http://www.amazon.com/Mountaineering-Freedom-Hills-Mountaineers-Society/dp/0898868289/sr=8-1/qid=1166072432/ref=pd_bbs_1/105-1252979-3203604?ie=UTF8&s=books Good luck,climb safe.
  7. Hoping for the best and they are all hunkered down, toughing it out like climbers do.
  8. eat a dick,off white.
  9. uhgg...this crappy thread needs a good picture... Brooks Range,Alaska
  10. let me guess... you have a nice set of boobs and the people checking your gear were male?
  11. or just pull your head out of your ass, plan ahead and ship your crap UPS in advance and skip all previously stated bullshit.
  12. shame letterman isn't doing it. he's a great interviewer when he wants to be. conan on the other hand never manages to get past being a self absorbed ass.
  13. yeah,i don't think it would be a very special acheivement. my first climbing trip up there was for a bluebird sky week in Sept and I soloed Hood, Adams, Baker and Helen's in 6 days. Not trying for any stupid speed thing,for sure. just climbing and moving to the next mtn while the weather was good. Baker was the only one that seemed abit more than a day hike and was the last one before it turned to crap weather again. Big thing is just having some good weather for a week. After living in that shithole called the PNW some years later,I realized how lucky I was to get that good weather window.
  14. http://video.msn.com/v/us/v.htm
  15. what's the matter, wuss? afraid the new bitch is going to stumble on this thread get all huffy like the last one?
  16. griz

    Road Trip

    you should also say what kind of climbing you want to do...trad,mindless bolt clipping,alpine,volcano trudging....?
  17. For once, MrE, i agree with you. I think the utterly moronic unrelated posts in the Everest thread opened my eyes. There are so many interesting threads and actual discussions going on right now on other boards on the topic and then I come to cc.com and my IQ has dropped 100 points for reading everyone's input here. Spray on,retards.
  18. Nobody really knows what happened up there and the bottom line is this guy wanted to solo Everest w/o O's. He made his choice and it was a fatal one. There is nobody to blame but the climber himself. I personally would like to see any of you hold this man's hand while it's 100 below zero at 28,000ft for several hours while he passed on. Oh, wait.... you... would be dead too... Or try lowering an unconscious person in an environment where if you take a few too many steps without rest then you'll be flat on your face unconscious too. Also, keep in mind, the guides are responsible for getting their clients up and down safely. Every minute they spend with a lost cause outside of their group adds danger to people they are obligated to keep safe. I think allot of you are applying a Mt. Rainier experience mentality to the harsh realities of 8000m peaks.
  19. I'm thinking Hillary is getting senile or something. I really can't imagine what these people are supposed to do when it's reported 100 below on the summit and this dude is unable to help himself and near death. It's 27k+ for fuck sake! If you do a peak like that then you have to accept that if you can't get yourself up and down then you die. You are kidding yourself otherwise. This news hoo-hah is just it's typical fox-type news coverage...total bullshit.
  20. call exum guides....307.733.2297 and/or just look at the web cams during the day to get an idea of what you would be dealing with... http://www.allmountaincams.com/jackson-hole-webcams/
  21. When I first moved to Colorado a long time ago, I got a random hair up my ass around 11 in the morning to do Longs Peak on a nice March day. First 14ner. Forgot the sunscreen. My whole face blistered,oozed and peeled for a week. Got a couple nice blister burns on a couple Camp Muir jogs, too.Forgot some spots or sweated it off. Show up to work with busted blister ooze dripping in my eyes... ah,well, fuck it...
  22. Post by Malcolm Daly on mountainproject.com: "...After I heard this many people asked me to chime in with my opinion. I had nothing but heresay and innuendo to go by so I got in touch with Dean and Steph to hear their story before I spewed. Here's the deal: Dean asked a park ranger if it was okay to climb Delicate Arch and was given the go-ahead. So let's back off and cool down a bit. What Dean did was legal, authorized and pre-aproved by the NPS. You may or may not agree with his decision to publicize the climb but that's Dean's deal, not yours. How many of you have seeked approval for climbing on a new cliff before climbing it? I stand in awe of what he did. Bravo Dean. I also support the NPS' closure of the Arch to climbing. No doubt some idiot would bolt it (legal or not) and lots of traffic would ruin it"
  23. http://www.rentawreckseattle.com/
  24. griz

    Bike Commuting

    yeah, i guess when you already are a bib wearing retard like yourself then bike commuting seems like a good idea...
  25. griz

    Bike Commuting

    I gave biking to work a serious go last Fall but the truth is just enough people driving on the roads are just plain fucking morons. By my 3rd close call of nearly getting hit, I shelved the bike and went back to driving my gas guzzling jeep. Fuck that shit. I want to be surrounded by lots of metal and not be turned into some bib wearing retard in a wheelchair by some oblivious dipshit.
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