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Everything posted by griz

  1. Post deleted by Off_White, President of the Super Adventure Club
  2. just do the Disappointment Cleaver and leave middle of the pack from Muir. The whole route will be highlighted by all the headlamps above and below you. Just connect the dots.
  3. okay, well how about contributing to public awareness and safety?
  4. probably more your speed...
  5. griz

    Camp Muir

    jesus christ, that video sucked. i've seen more stable video shots by poor shits caught in a avalanche while filming.
  6. for hikes... buckskin gulch will blow you away. about 12-14 miles of this... info you can scramble or rap into the middle section of it if you want to keep it a day hike. kelsey has a good guide book for this stuff. Also, once you enter there are only 3 ways out. the start, end and a spot in the middle so be aware of the weather and flash flood risk.
  7. griz


  8. But Captain Phallus had a new toy, ...........................the cabin boy.
  9. Apply online NOW! Easy-to-Use, user friendly Butt Pirate keyboard available for use...
  10. As an incentive to join the crew... All new shipmates of Capt. Phallus's crew will recieve a Pearl Necklace!!!!
  11. you can touch my tra la la, my ding ding dong. would you like to be a member .... of my crew?
  12. you touch my tra la la,my ding ding dong...
  13. Headline : "Police open fire on lawyers" So what's the problem here? Sounds like a good idea to me.
  14. griz


    Off White... Mary Lou...
  15. griz


    my spray is above your pay grade, marmot molester. for the feeble minded...checklist for my post: nasty...check! abusive....check! hostile...check! Pathetic gossip...check! nonsense...check! white trash...check! sick vulgarity...check! sexism...check! boarderline criminal insinuations...check! ick...check! egotistical...check! self-embelishing remarks ...check! retarded replies...check! full of BS...check! I'm thinking brett and artfag might make some fine gym partners at vertical world someday.
  16. fix your link, dipshit
  17. griz


    too polite, off-white. hey brett, go stick a bible up your ass,douchebag. Been at it for over 18 years and the climbs that hold my interest now run 3-5 weeks to get her done. The longer these climbs get ,the more important it is to have good,solid people with a sense of humor on the other end of the rope. Rule #1 in my book is not to tie in with gopher lickers that have a stick up their ass. Trash talking fellow climbers is all part of the fun,dude. It also passes the time, keeps morale up and sets standards. Also, if some little wank like you can't take heat on silly little forum then he is probalby going to be a useless bitch on the mountain.
  18. griz

    Video Rotation

    Yeah, I have a few videos like that... the favorites are "Cum Climbing with Candy", "Jammin the Crack" and "Putting Up New Routes on Fat Chicks"
  19. Tom Cruise wants to do Everest... http://www.contactmusic.com/new/xmlfeed.nsf/mndwebpages/cruise%20to%20climb%20everest I wonder what will happen to his guide if the poor guide suggests taking dexamethasone? I saw him on Letterman a while back and he was talking about it but had never even done an overnighter...
  20. griz

    Stupid A/C Filter TR

    Don't you think you need a new hobby or life when you actually spend the time photographing changing your own AC filter ? Perhaps the next time I get shit faced drunk and take a dump on my neighbor's lawn I'll document that and do my first TR for cc.com too.
  21. Very disappointing...when i did a search for "hot,young asian female into bondage" all i got was this... she's still available, gary. i'm sure you'd hit that shit.
  22. griz


    monkey fucker... oh... and she is the one in the center....
  23. griz


    post deleting asshole ***edited by olyclimber 3/29/2006***
  24. griz


    ***post deleted by olyclimber***
  25. shop online for lithium batteries. a photo store or grocery store will charge $15 for a battery i can get online for $4.75. Buy a bunch. best i've found... http://www.batterystore.com/Sanyo/SanyoLithiumHR.htm
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