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Everything posted by griz

  1. my spanish sucks. graphic shit. you've been warned. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-286041877735748900&hl=en
  2. griz

    Saddam Stretched

  3. grandpa?
  4. and the next post by jonmf despite a non spray opinion offered... stfu, chestbeater douchebag.
  5. actually I was reading your other thread and laughing at your continued inabilty to put together coherent thoughts in written form.
  6. griz


    most wise poster...from cc.com? kind of like recruiting the 'tards from the Special Olympic's Girls Football team to the NFL...
  7. griz

    Happy Holidays

  8. "It is not the critic who counts: not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes up short again and again, because there is no effort without error or shortcoming, but who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, who spends himself for a worthy cause; who, at the best, knows, in the end, the triumph of high achievement, and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who knew neither victory nor defeat." -Theodore Roosevelt
  9. Perhaps you have your reasons for Elbert but I agree with alex. You really won't develop much in the way of basic skills that you would use on Rainier,as well. The best/easiest access (for April) mini version of Rainier (and the DC rte you will probably be doing) would be hitting Longs Peak via Key Hole rte. Hoof up to the Boulder Field and camp. Summit the next day and head all the way out. Probably nobody up there that time of the year too. Great scenery,as well...far,far better than Elbert. info and a million pics of the rte: http://14ers.com/routemain.php?route=long1&peak=Longs%20Peak
  10. i'd like to nominate jonmf76 for Fucktard Newbie of the Year for managing to work in his climb of Denali into at least 50% of his posts and for special achievements in general fucktardishness,as well.
  11. hey,matt...even the dead and missing had a sense of humor here on cc.com. life goes on and nobody here is disrespecting the climbers or their families. I think most regulars here have gone to great lengths to defend the climber's memories from the utterly stupid shit getting posted on that thread too.
  12. post misunderstood and deleted by griz
  13. phil? the sex offender? Fake Breast Doc Busted Florida man, 76, fingered in door-to-door free screen scheme APRIL 19--Meet Phil Winikoff (aka Phil Jones). The 76-year-old Florida man was arrested this morning and charged with sexual battery after he posed as a doctor and went door-to-door--black doctor's bag in hand--offering women free breast exams. According to a Broward County Sheriff's Office report, two women--ages 33 and 36--fell for the scam, which Winikoff allegedly ran in Lauderdale Lakes. Charged with several felonies, Winikoff was booked into the sheriff's lockup, where the below mug shot was snapped. Police are now investigating whether other women may have been tricked into impromptu examinations. (3 pages)
  14. god damn you, lambone. you've given away our hiding place from these moronic tea baggers. there heeeerrrrre.
  15. ihuntifish, the body was the first to go up on the 'copter. sadly, i've seen that heart breaking body position before. i'm really at loss for words and wish i could say something to help the families.
  16. the tool bin is overflowing there on that thread, for sure. disgusting and disappointing.
  17. the " /\ " shape is visible in the snow just below the sar guy on cnn.
  18. c'mon boys and girls...let's rock out with phil jones making his funky quilts... http://www.phildjones.com/ go,phil!!! go phil!!!make that nasty quilt!!!
  19. bottom line is despite a couple hundred years of cumulative climbing experience that has offered information and perspective to him...non climber phil knows better than all here.
  20. griz


    you've got a better memory than I do,for sure. I wish I did. I did a email search but came up empty.
  21. You've missed the point.
  22. if phil is a troll then i hope someone puts a boot up his ass but there are allot of non climbers here right now getting info and a little education is not a bad thing.
  23. if i brought all the safety gizmos they sell out there to cover every possible situation i'd be doing day climbs with 80lbs of crap on my back. and this creates it's own set of hazards by moving slow and moving clumsy. the slower you go the more you are exposed to rock fall, avalanches,losing balance or purchase as well as the constant ticking clock of warming snow/ice which makes punching through a hidden crevasse,ect. more likely too. there are reasons people don't bring all this stuff. and believe it or not ...it's for their own safety!!!! climbing is often a trade off of risks.
  24. look at this way...when those sar guys bust out on Sat to search in hopefully good conditions they KNOW anyone they see above them or any fresh boot tracks are people they are looking for. It's a potentially a clean slate to track in. Random people up there won't help abit. There isn't allot you and I can do right now to help those guys but at least do your part not to hinder the guys who can right now, ya know? There is a whole state or two full of other mtns to hit this weekened.
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