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Everything posted by griz

  1. i da pimp, bitch. now get back on your corner or i'll beat your sorry ass.
  2. taking my dad and bro on a float down the Main Salmon in idaho for a week...it sucks but someone has to do it. and, no, you can't come.
  3. How's the wireless reception in your dumpster?
  4. i see you have slipped out of your straight jacket again... the men in white will find you and your computer connection soon enough.
  5. 3 days of solitude in the Holy Cross Wilderness, bushwacking for 20 inch cutts on dry flies and fun climbs and lines on unnamed 12k mtns... at times,life is good.
  6. griz

    Our Fine President

    ah, karma at it's best.
  7. griz

    Our Fine President

    Someone should tell him the rich are suffering down there too... maybe that will get him off his ass. I've got a friend down there who is wondering what he and his wife are going to do in about 5 days for water and food. He considers himself quite fortunate compared to others... and his home was trashed and left unusable.
  8. you must be a dumbass too then. McCandless could have glanced at a map before leaving and known about the bridge a few miles downstream and survived. instead he died horribly and needlessly.
  9. griz

    25 Viewing...

    speaking of bombs... wasn't there a couple inner city kids shooting at the planes in Detoit as they landed? can't find the link though. still a couple on the loose the last i heard.
  10. griz

    25 Viewing...

    In all my years of flying I've only been around 2 plane crashes and they weren't even the planes I was on at the time...relax.
  11. i find myself aroused ... sexually, of course. ,dude. nice climbing.
  12. griz

    The "Heat Wave" thread

    fuck, dude. that post was up for like 3 seconds before i zapped it. quit pounding the refresh button so god damn much. tomtom hit the nail on the head. you guys are a bunch of limp wristed fuckwads for thinking 87 degrees is hot and not going climbing cuz of it. wtf? sounds like the PNW is getting to be the pansy capitol of the world these days. PNW climber: "I can't climb cuz...." "it's too rainy this weekend" "it's too hot this weekend" "it's too cold this weekend" "the sun is out. i might get sunburn!" "mama...burp me!" that's all i hear! whaaaa. wtf? are you fags serious?
  13. hey, flash, quit talking like a damn broad and get to the fucking point.
  14. yeah... some advice: on your next climb... just leave that critical peice of climbing gear at home. maybe just bring your little barbie doll in case you have bad dreams instead.
  15. No. i'll leave the spray response version for someone else...
  16. eh, short version: for selfish me: it keeps me from throwing kittens off cliffs. big picture: it inspires rabid protectors of wilderness and wildlife. we put our money and time into it's protection. not so useless.
  17. exposure? fucking idiot. work on your reading skills gyms suck ass anyway you cut them... but bouldering in a gym sucks the most ass.
  18. abit more detail on http://everestnews.com/
  19. this thread is as boring as married people. Nah, actually most of my better climbing partners are married. They are reliable and you can make plans with them a year or two out for a big'un and they show up. No fuss,no muss.
  20. i can't believe there is a gym for just bouldering... normal climbing gyms are dull enough as is but at least you can get a little air under your feet. 10 minutes of bouldering and I'm ready to from the lameness of it. Can't imagine paying for it. Of course, I used to say that about hookers, too...
  21. that go's without saying. the only useful thing you can do with a cat is shove a broom handle up it's ass, dunk it in some water and then push it around to clean the bathroom floor .
  22. yeah, yeah ... i fart in your general direction,bitches! I don't see any skills with these dogs...chained to a tree,sitting in a mini van, drooling on the floor... wtf? here is the pooch sailing a few months later,losers....
  23. all of your dogs are fugly mutts. give up,losers,here is the winner...
  24. Damn sea level living wussies... Big Sandy TH is around 9200ft and Arrowhead lake is around 10,400. Jackass Pass is only a couple hundred feet above that... Wow...that's 1400 vertical ft you did in a whole day...fucking animal!
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