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Everything posted by griz

  1. Our group was recouping in Huaraz after a couple weeks out climbing and we were playing russian roulette with some tasty local pizza...and we lost. All five of us spent the next three days stapled to toilets unable to puke without blowing shit or shit w/o blowing puke. The best technique was ass on toilet and puke bucket in front between the feet. Upon entering the room of one still sick buddy one of us said that the shit/puke molecules in the air easily out numbered the o2 molecules in there 10 to 1....
  2. Not to poop on the parade... I don't even remember a stone that I could have tripped over on that blob of a mtn called Elbert... Kind of like me driving to Seattle to go up Mt. Si... Have fun on Gannett though...purdy.
  3. nrs has a good used gear section for kayaks: http://nrsweb.com/services/gearswap/gearswap.asp?CatType=1&catID=3 ebay, too. no shit. forwardair is a cheap way too ship them. get a raft cuz you can carry more beer...
  4. griz

    What A Weekend!

    Ice bashing around breckenridge saturday and a send off/well wishing dinner for a climbing buddy hitting the the big E this spring. Had to pass on a couple extra ice bashing days in ouray due to new,cool job so I worked on the plans for summer permit river trips in Idaho/Utah. Oh, and after looking at the snow pack reports today for the area I'm pretty sure the PNW will be smelling the smoke as Idaho burns to the ground this summer...
  5. your own private climbing area? fuck, enjoy it. take pictures then have fun torturing and taunting us with them. that's what i'd do...
  6. Wow, what a clueless fuck. Those statements alone about repositioning in a storm are enough not to buy anything from him. As far as the Nalo, I used them for 3 days on Rainier when the wind was gusting in 75-100mph and despite putting huge tension both of those peice of shit tents they still flapped, bucked, twisted and made a huge racket the entire weekend. I was surprised they lasted. They were pretty embarrassing peices of equipment and I was glad I was not the one who had shelled out over $1000 for them. Those tents are still a source of jokes for us 4 years later... I'd at least check them out in a store and have them set it up for you if you are still interested and give them a good shake and push test. Hopefully you'll see what a joke they are for a expedition type tent. edit: i also now remember 2-3 of the cheap plastic parts used to adjust the guy lines broke. these were brand new tents and this was their first outing. mmmm....garbage...
  7. it's neat stuff. it's hard to imagine why they have so much trouble getting permission to do this stuff from the upper level goverment types. It's obvious Bloomberg is a business man...for the two weeks it's up, NYC will take in over $80 million from visitors and them dropping $ in town. And all he had to do was say "Yes."
  8. you are also a loser who thinks the nodder thread is cool
  9. Hilleberg's are overpriced and complete shit, dude. ever try sleeping in one in high winds...? you are better off in a garbage bag. advice, get a real tent.
  10. Oh my god, specialed IS a Nodder. the shortbus,helmet and drool bib for you
  11. noticed it was gone this morning. pretty funny... Maybe they will climb something now? just thought it would be fun to point out cuz i'm sure they will be all crying in their panties over there soon enough. guess is 'did I miss something?' in misc. will be the one to watch...
  12. No expert but I'd guess the variation might hold snow longer than the regular rte later in the season. I'd take it if it meant avoiding the PNW volcanic scree shit and being able to climb on good ol snow.
  13. Wearing your tent mate's 4 week old, unwashed underwear over your head til you pass out...
  14. I'm not a gear nut so can't help you with many of these questions but I have used both the dragonfly and xkg at the altitudes you are talking about and both are great stoves there. I can't say one was really better than the other...they both boiled and melted water and pretty easy to use , ya know? so, i'd say if you liked the dragonfly then just get another. it's what i shelled out for. great little stove. they only advice is to make sure you shut them off at the bottle and not the 'adjuster thingy". one climbing partner didn't do this and it would freeze the fuel in the line during the night . after watching him turn the stove off like that once I smacked him upside the head and that took care of our stove troubles .
  15. mmmm...let's see. Found out today just how short the fuse is at work til the business implodes. Around 6 weeks... Listened to the owner chew out two people in the production area for talking and he made one "work in the corner by himself" and was not supposed to talk to anyone. Sort of like kindergarden... it's amazing how much of a shithole this place has become in less than a month. The two week old new hire production manager quit today. No loss...he was a clueless douche bag. Went to the Motor Vehicle Driver License place to replace my misplaced WA license with a CO one today. I was sent away cuz I did not have 2 xerox's of the other original forms of ID. This was never mentioned when I called beforehand. They must have 20 fucking xerox machines in that place but nobody could lift a bureaucratic finger... "Have a nice day,sir." Fuck you, bitch. Do I win?
  16. that's good to hear. a climbing buddy who does recruiting told me a story a few years ago about the HR depts that would put a tech job up on monster, get 1500 resumes in a day and then just would take the first 50 off the stack and throw the rest away w/o a glance. With so many skilled but unemployed out there they knew they would have a qualified person in that first 50. The only "funny" thing today was that the president of the company has been fucking the receptionist for a couple months now and she got layed off too...by him. ...kind of sums up what a FUBAR place this company is now.
  17. No, it's a smallish computer company
  18. watch fellow co workers get layed off like I did today. About 1/3 of the people at the company I work for got the fucking axe. People with kids and house payments. Guys going home wondering how they are paying the next month's mortgage. Fuuuuuuuuuuck. Funny thing is just last week I was talking to a friend there saying this company seemed like a plane with it's engines pouring out smoke, the wings breaking apart and trees below were getting pretty big and fast... Christ, what a day... thanks for reading my rant. well, I'm heading out to kick a puppy or get into a bar fight to get rid of some frustration...
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