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Everything posted by griz

  1. griz

    pussy whipped climbers

    ...the 'm' word and griz don't mix. dps needs to slip the wifey poo a roofy before each climb
  2. griz

    pussy whipped climbers

    then consider this a warning,josh...
  3. from 'Denali Attempt' by DPS When the day comes that one of the reasons i bail on an expedition climb is that i can't call my fucking wife on the sat phone is the day someone needs to take me out back and shoot me in the fucking head. wtf? did you wear down your batteries on the 1-900-HOT-SEXX line? Anyone else out there do this kind of lame shit? If my climbing partner gave me that as a reason to bail I'd put my boot up his ass(w/ crampons on).
  4. Yeah, I searched 'midget' here and looks like CBS beat me to it, as well... http://www.cascadeclimbers.com/threadz/showflat.php/Cat/0/Number/459503/an/0/page/2#459503 ah, well...pretty funny shit.
  5. fudge... can't keep up with all the crap on this sight...
  6. why ya gotta go spoilin' shit so fast?
  7. If it wasn't on the BBC website I would have never believed it... 1 Lion vs. 42 Fighting Midgets 's
  8. ebag's = efag's that's what we call them at work...they sell allot of our backpacks,ect and they suck donkey balls to deal with from our end too.
  9. An interesting firsthand account from an infamous witness : http://www.annabellebond.com/denalimay11th.htm
  10. gee, I wonder why...? Could it be that he is tired of being around tragedies like the '96 clusterf*ck on Everest,ect and now this...? http://www.everestnews.com/stories2005/amannapurna2005uaa05192005.htm
  11. 4 pages and no "shit happens." ? there. now it's been said... carry on.
  12. griz

    Heart warming

    that's some seriously gay shit. the only thing warming my heart was the idea that Murr was actually getting strangled and the kitty in the upper righthand corner had just been euthanized.
  13. dru, cjoo1f, jedi... thanks for reminding me of how many dumb fucks there are on this board. The pimple on my ass is smarter than all three of you guys put together. It's an incredible accomplishment w/ or w/o O's and no matter how many people have done it before him. That's one hell of a gauntlet to have run and still be standing.
  14. I went over there as a freelance photojournalist for a couple weeks fresh out of college. I wanted to get a feel for seeing if war photography was something I was interested in or not. Not. I left with little sympathy for any side....all too stupid to see through the propaganda and who brought that shit on themselves. Anyway, have a great time... and I'm sure it will be a cool trip now. I've often thought about returning to do a little fly fishing in Bosnia's beautiful little streams.
  15. I went there for about a week total in '93 during the civil war but I was mostly passing through to more fucked up areas in the region. The biggest surprise was how helpful and current the Lonely Planet guide was considering the instability at the time. I'd imagine it's only better now.I'd pick up a good road map too before you leave any good general map store will have them. Barnes and noble might have the red ones still. They worked well enough. I can't help you with climbing. The drive down the coast from Rijeka to Dubrovnik is cool though. It's been a long time but I would keep any off trail bushwacking near the borders to a minimum since they were heavily mined during the war. doubt they got them all, even now. Being an american seemed largely helpful. allot of people seemed to speak some english but a little serbo-croat helped allot. People were either really cool or grade A assholes. It's probably mellowed abit though. srecno!
  16. here ,bob, let me make it a little easier for all the cialis,viagra and porn sites get you on their mailing list: robert@robertrogo.com now you should be able to compare prices a little easier to get that limp dick of yours up. speaking of soft tissue and all...
  17. could be....she actually does have an frickin' agent... link nothing else to do at 4 am with insomnia so i found this jem. just when i think i'm bored ragging on her she finds a new layer of laughability...
  18. cc.com was down most of last night... I wouldn't jump to any conclusions. i think they lost everything from yesterday,even in other forums. just a quick hunch from what i see.
  19. griz

    only in japan

    not so safe for work
  20. Dude, $50 bucks to ya if you get a pic of her on the crapper at 14k camp or at KIA...I'll take care of the rest.
  21. I know that when waterproof river guidebooks get wet and the pages stick together all you need to do is re-wet them and they come apart. Then be careful to thumb the pages often as it dries out. Never bothered with regular paper books though. Could be worth a try, if you are desperate. Or you could just put them in the oven and set the oven to 451 degrees F...
  22. Ah...a fine geek check thread. Any of you dorks see the movie in a bathrobe?
  23. There really isn't a whole bunch you can do living in the PNW. I'd jog your ass to Muir as much possible to just get your snow legs and get some exposure to abit of elevation. People say you lose/gain 1000ft of acclamitzation per day but I believe there is a longer term memory in the body once exposed to higher altitudes, as well. Make sure your breathing/ pressure breathing technique is game on. THat is your biggest asset to getting rid of nearly all altitude symtoms... light headedness...nausea...tunnel vision ect all can usually be rid of be relaxing and refocusing on your breathing for awhile. A good thing about Peru is that it is near the equator and the air is thick as shit compared to other places. It's kind of cool to be at your 14k basecamp and be able to go flyfish for trout... What's on the tick list? A group of friends will be there about the same time for a month or so. I know they are hitting Artesonraju but I forget the others. I agree with the watch out for what you eat statement. Be as self contained as possible. I've even fired up my stove and cooked in my hotel rooms at the begining of trips to make sure I stay healthy for the climbing. Make sure you bring a prescription of Cipro in case of the shits, ect. It's the perfect weapon against it. Take it as soon as you get your first gurgle from the intestines and it will shorten it allot. Cipro!!!! Bring it,dude or
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