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Everything posted by griz

  1. If I posted even the worst pic of me then all the females on this site would become obsessed with my dashing good looks and start stalking me. I just don't need that drama in my life. Sorry girls, I feel your pain. Really, I do.
  2. Transplant, I hope you are ignoring the condescending assholes on this thread. Rainier is a great,super fun mountain. I would trade 3/4 of the 14ner's here in CO to have a Rainier and a Baker in my backyard. Go do it and I would encourage you to do it on your own. You will get more satisfaction out of the climb. There is no guarrantee that you will summit on a guided climb, as well. And you won't be out $1K... just a blown weekend. Agree with the idea to work on lining up some partners this winter and go do the easy rts on Hood, Adams, Baker then have a go at Rainier would be a good approach. Enjoy the hell out of it. I think one of my all-time favorite places to hang out is up in Camp Muir. Just laze the day away people watching on nice summer weekend followed by a fun day of climbing.
  3. He must have been typing in a gamow bag for the previous 26,245 posts cuz his posts have always lacked cognitive skills.
  4. Yeah, it is of the most pleasant view from my tent and the purdy mountain in the background is Toclaraju.
  5. It's good old fashioned third world thinking... "we are a poor country, now how can we fuck it up more?" agree that reasonable peak fees are the way to go. knocking available climbs down to 80 is a cruel joke. Forcing guides on climbers is even worse. the best thing about Peru is you can have a 20k peak all to yourself. Now it will be like Muir on a weekend or some BS... well assuming people still want to go.
  6. griz

    Touching the Void

    no doubt.
  7. griz

    Big Ziplocs!

  8. griz

    Big Ziplocs!

    they are really handy when you need to make that dead hooker "just a little bit smaller"...
  9. Spraying on this thread is kind of like showing up drunk at a gallery showing and taking a piss in the corner. show some class for once. here is one for the scenic category: Half Dome, Yosemite National Park.
  10. dberdinka, that llama pic is a classic.
  11. Henri Cartier-Bresson is rolling over in his grave... and i want to vomit. You would do well to take a ethics in journalism course. Perhaps then you would understand everyone elses perspective. Maybe buddy up with the reporter from the NY times who made up his stories because it was allot less work than actually going there and covering the story?
  12. there is nothing wrong with doing any of that "in the name of art". However, when you do that then ALL of your images lack any kind of credibilty. In my view, the great challenge and art to photography is capturing a great moment that actually happened. there is no real talent or skill involved by going back in and combining images to make the one you did not have the ability to capture when it counted. gross photo manipulation is a real plague and it sadly throws doubt on all photographs taken these days. A photographer's ethics is all we have left this day and age when looking at images since manipulation is so easy. If you miss "the shot" then you missed it. Life's a bitch and learn from it. Having integrity in your photographs is far more important in the long run than a missed/blown shot here and there.
  13. cool pic,greta! this one is abit betterer... hope you don't mind some color correction on my part...
  14. griz


    You are homeless and spray from the public library.
  15. Post deleted by griz
  16. Climbing: Hoofing it up to high camp on Toclaraju in Peru. gallery link
  17. griz

    Your Seattle Seahawks

    feely = looking for new job.
  18. griz

    Idaho Falls

    Anything is better than Jersey. He should get used to looking at ALLOT of this though: Idaho Flats seems pretty accurate for that area, for sure. But like everyone has said before Tetons from either the east or west side, Yellowstone, Snake River, Frank Church Wilderness(biggest wilderness in the lower 48),ect. It's a great area to get into whitewater rafting and/ or flyfishing...it doesn't get much better for combining that stuff in the lower 48. It's a big ass state and he should look into the local aviation companies that offer cheap puddle jumper flights that cross the state to check out the great places around McCall for long weekends ect. The town seemed pretty well kept and clean. It just sits in the middle of a huge plain so the scenery is nothing to get excited over. Beats the shit out Jersey any day though.
  19. Anyone care to share any experiences with carrying bulky climbing backpacks as carry-on? Yes, what you want and what they allow are two different things. Any problems with jamming it in overhead bins? Never, because you are going to have to check it in. Any raised eyebrows from flight-attendants, security? Yes and then they are going to make you check your bag. If you argue then the hidden US Marshal will taser your ass. by the way, old military surplus duffle bags are maybe $10.
  20. IDIOT!!!!!!!!!
  21. griz

    CC.com is like:

    cc.com is like:
  22. griz


    Good prices. Does that include the taxes that get tacked on? Here in Co it's like another $16-17 on top of that when you actually get the bill. I seem to remember about the same when I lived in Seattle but it's fuzzy.
  23. griz


    I looked into DSL through qwest about 6 months ago. It's really no bargain after you add in taxes, dsl and the phone line you still need. It worked out to be only several dollars cheaper than comcast. Went with comcast. Basically, I get full cable tv and high speed internet for around $58 . I dropped the landline phone service after I realized I only used my cell at home too.
  24. I got mine for river trips. Allot of permit rivers require you to camp in a specific place during prime season and they can be easy to blow by if you don't have any landmarks to go off. They do a great job of keeping track of mileage. Never even used the long/lat. function and I don't hike/climb with them much at all...I just bring the old school compass. They are pretty fun for shits and giggles too. I checked my speedometer on my jeep to it's speed function...very accurate. I had it track a snow climb and then just followed the arrow on it it back down while comparing it to my boot prints in the snow. Any more than 3-5 ft off my boot track and it would point me towards snow prints. Scary impressive. I am surprised at the "100m off" statement. This has not been my experience at all...i'd say 10-15 meters has been the worst for me and my "experiments". Far better than a altimeter any day and the new ones don't weigh much at all. Keep in mind GPS is heavily used in aviation... from the little cessna 206 bush plane on up to 747's so again I doubt that GPS is heavily flawed on elevation/altitude.
  25. just what the world needs... another preachy vegan. why do vegans always act like they are superior to meat eaters? Gets old listening to that broken record horseshit.
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