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Everything posted by griz

  1. griz

    Inaugural Address

    to the idea it's lip service. I think it's funny he mentions tolerance of others when any protesters of Bush today were kept far from the eyes of the world in out of the way,special areas behind barricades and police. i also like the fact that only the bush supporting rich,pretty and elite got to line the streets today too. oh and.... Mr. Bush I detect some inacuracies Griz. There were plenty of protestors along the parade route that weren't stuck behind barricades today. They were out holding their signs all over the place. Also, there were plenty of places to see the parade for free along the route without buying a ticket. Tickets for the parade were largely located within a block or two of the White House. The rest was easy access. Viewing for the Inauguration itself at the Capitol was free - one would just need to request a ticket from their member of Congress. Also, keep in mind that this a celebration for Bush. Protest is fine, but remember you can show up on Penn. Ave across from the White House and wave a banner to your hearts content every day of the week. So worrying about the fact that a large protest group was moved 40 yds away from the parade route doesn't register high on my list of concerns. good to hear. WTF do i know,i guess? I just listened to NPR today and they painted a different picture about protesters having to sue to be allowed in areas. Not the first time the media creates a different pic than the reality. fuck. Bush can still suck it , though.
  2. I was a little freaked out the first time i saw a gal on a climb pee standing up using one of those things... I assumed it was a guy until I got way too close. "Uh.... sorry, maam."
  3. i guess that would change recomending the pee bottle from useful to useless, huh? tunes,more tunes, crazy creek chair, hot dogs and oreos are you doing a basecamp type trip or moving around allot?
  4. griz

    Innovation of the Year?

    geez, looks like a good way for a gal to bring a dildo into work with a good back up story if caught. "oh, no, it's not a dildo...it's my banana protector...see!"
  5. griz

    Innovation of the Year?

    ah, but has it been field tested for being proof?
  6. griz

    Innovation of the Year?

    do they make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich guard too?
  7. griz

    Inaugural Address

    who thinks GW comes close to personifying this ideal? this is bullshit lip service. i like what he said, but it makes me sick hearing it from his mouth. to the idea it's lip service. I think it's funny he mentions tolerance of others when any protesters of Bush today were kept far from the eyes of the world in out of the way,special areas behind barricades and police. i also like the fact that only the bush supporting rich,pretty and elite got to line the streets today too. oh and.... Mr. Bush
  8. Got a PM asking for the contact info so I figured I'd just post it. You can email him in english and I think he has someone translate it for him. Kallpa Expeditions in Huaraz - Rodolfo is the dude. <info@peruviantrek.com> good luck and I'm jealous, bitches.
  9. I'm getting old and senile but there is a very new book out, just a few years old.like published in '02 or '03? awesome color pics of the rts and current...but i can't remember the damn title right now. it's the one to get, though. shit, it'll come to me... i can give you a contact name/email of a peruvian dude who is a pro to deal with if you need muleteers,cooks,porters, transportation to/from trailhead,hotels, bus transport to/from Huaraz. He is insanely cheap and let's you enjoy the climbing instead of dealing w/ bullshit. you need to speak abit of spanish though. Toclaraju and Urus(for acclamitization fun) is good stuff we did. ishinca is a gorgeous peak if you want something mellower than Toc. all peruvian classics accessed by one valley/trailhead. edit: thank you treknclimb! that's it! edit2: my avatar pic is of Toc(in the distance) and the view from my tent. pretty spot.
  10. It's a good reminder but I don't think it's any news flash to anyone that S. Koreans are good at dying in the mountains...
  11. Dave, it's really tough to judge from here, ya know? Nobody knows the amount use/abuse you dish or how you treat your gear. I'd be happy if I got 10 years out of goretex jacket personally. I view gators as disposable gear like gloves- trash'em and buy new ones. Just my view. RuMR, you gotta admit the tent design sucks balls. The fly is joke, the poles are a joke for a tent that big and not a wind shedding design for sure. I use to expect allot out of TNF. The thing is I have a big 6 person tent too... from LL Bean though. The thing is designed well(sort of geodesic and huge,i can stand up in it) and came with (4) really beefy 3/8 inch expedition quality poles. price $375. It could be done well if TNF gave a shit. Obviously they don't. The LL bean beast sat tucked behind some trees during a month long ,Fall season, fly fishing trip on the Alaskan tundra surviving 75+mph winds and huge rain for several days without a rip or bent pole and was dry inside. Fuckin amazing for a tent that tall/big. The TNF would be a mangled,wet mess for nearly the same price, ya know? And dude, that 5.7c/d is a project...shhhhhhhhhhhh. Just 12 more bolts by the 25ft crack and it'll go....
  12. griz

    My toilet....

    start blue bagging it.
  13. "God's Golf Ball" Fore!!!!!!!!!!
  14. yeah, it's sad. I'd have to say the best company I've had dealings w/ was Mountainsmith Backpacks though. I dropped it off to get some zippers replaced and they just went to town on my pack w/o me asking. New pack straps,side pockets, fixed stuff that marmots had chewed on, updated some stuff... quite a nice surprise. Been using that big pack for 15 years now and it still works great.
  15. yeah, anyone seen TNF's new line of tents...? warning: after clicking this link ANY REMAINING /ALL respect for TNF will be LOST!!!! tnf's new tent line for the walmart/k-mart climber dude that's some sorry ass shit...
  16. I've always admired a woman who can open a twisty between her boobs... I've REALLY admired a woman who can open a twisty with her ****BLEEP*****...
  17. griz

    Dream Gym

    what they should do is just make the entire slab climb out of removable textured panels that can be moved around to make new routes every now and then.
  18. Dear Sir or Maam, STFU. Regards, Griz hmmm...probably why i don't work in retail...
  19. griz

    Crazy Colleagues?

    "supervise"... is that what they call pimping now? bitch slap one of yo ho's for me will ya?
  20. griz

    Crazy Colleagues?

    ::placevomitgreamlinhere: pee is sterile when it initially leaves the body but not after being exposed to the world. fuckin groooooooooooooosssssssssssssssss
  21. griz

    Crazy Colleagues?

    There was a guy i worked with who was pretty decent and smart but had a missing screw, for sure. He would give just as equal weight to a story he read in the NY times as he would the National Inquirer. So you could be having a good conversation about the Tsunami (for example) and then he would talk about the mermaid that was found in the debris or something. It was odd. He also talked about his multiple alien abductions and his friendship with Jim Morrison too.
  22. griz

    A REAL Star Wars Fan

    or polishing the light saber?
  23. griz

    A REAL Star Wars Fan

    He was probably down the nearest alley spanking it to a picture of Princess Leia in her slavegirl outfit...
  24. how about 'piss poor taste' or 'heartless sodomizer'
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