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Everything posted by ashw_justin

  1. What's this about chasing men? Tell me in what corner of the world this happens? Man I keep getting dragged out to bars in Seattle, and that is one sad scene. 25,000-lb drunken sausage frenzy swarming over the 2 women present, like retarded killer bees... YEAH!!!
  2. No, come on guys! Merv, feel free to post as many female volleyball photos as you want.
  3. What are you talking about Paul. The 4th was Sunday. You slackers! I even looked for you on the summit and considered leaving our empty PBR cans on the West Summit for you. Figured you would just leave them there though...
  4. Both taken this weekend, Skiing: Scenic:
  5. ashw_justin


    You making fun of my mountain grin?! What, just because I post here with my real name, you think you know who I am, and the private epics waged inside my bowels?!
  6. ashw_justin


    Big mistake man. Now we know where you shop. Listen up everyone, Mike Layton ambush bivy at the Red Apple tonight! Here's me contemplating the fame/infamy of Michael Layton on the summit of Adams yesterday. Unfortunately we didn't bring enough PBR to attain His holy level of alpine transcendence. What would ML do?
  7. Hey we were up there yesterday too. We left the summit around 1 pm. You might have recognized us, we were napping at the false summit between 10 and 12 AM. You also might have witnessed Donelly's bid to crack 50 mph, followed by a demonstration of the consequences of hitting 2-foot runnels at 50 mph. The chutes were a bit icy at the top but were softened up alright after a few hundred feet. So many people had already skied the chutes that is was starting to look like a mogul run!
  8. We still have yet to find a really good way to combine rock climbing and snowboarding Paul. Or at least snowboarding and ice climbing. :hint: :hint: :hint: :hint:
  9. I thought that was textbook 5.13 technique?
  10. ooooooo Fancy... So that's maybe what, about 1.5-2 hours out of B'ham?
  11. "Who wants some muthaf*ckin' cheezburgas?"
  12. If I was seriously afraid of being pounced on by cougars on the trail I'd wear a chainmail neck sheath, wolverine-style steel knuckles, and a bladed helmet. That's right, I'm about to get D&D on yo ass!
  13. Hahaha "NRA Strike Force." What, do these bastards think they're special ops or something? Fuck most of us grew out of that phase by age 11. Seriously, the gun was completely irrelevant in this guy's encounter. Some pretty lame newsmaking skills I must say. The only thing that article says to me is: you don't need to carry a gun. Thanks for dispelling my paranoia, NRA Strike Force.
  14. If he was good at debate and interviewing then he wouldn't be making movies, he'd be babbling on Crossfire or some other bullshit shit-flinging festival. He makes movies. That's how he communicates his ideas. The View women, just as all other talking heads, are paid to talk, and they're pretty damn good at it... I mean shit, it's not like he's running for president!
  15. Damn.. I'll never figure out how to post damn pictures off the web! If I can't figure that out, I probably shouldn't try arguing politic. You tried to post an .html as an image. You have to give the actual file adress of the image itself. Right-click, go to properties or "copy image location" (in Netscape I think) copy the url that ends in .jpg or .gif then paste that between the image tags.
  16. Well, with the amount of detail mentioned (in the second link) it ought to be pretty easy to discredit if it's false.
  17. ashw_justin

    As For Poets

    Speaking of Reedies... ‘Work of Mourning' Because a fishing-boat washed up– empty– to a shore crowded in fog and the bodies of the hopeful and still- waiting– I lift my axe today to this pile of slash, for kindling. The body makes its own memories in muscle, in skin, in all it contacts. The axe's flight catches a skiff of gray sky in its down stroke, and my back muscles burn through the hard task of re-learning. Because the boat was empty– the hull washed over in foam– and because the survival suits drifted ashore… Red rubber collars gripped around absent necks, and the long, flat limbs collapsed over skeletons of air. I think we must take comfort in our elements, be heartened by the thunk thunk of axe-work, as we sweat towards this vigil of fire, though the dry land blinks its thousand wet eyes, and the axe skids over the surface of rain-softened wood. ~Elyse Fenton 'Elegy' In the buzz of downtown bars, in the perfume of expensive cigars, in the delicate necks of cocktail glasses held half cocked, in the conversations in the beautiful faces, in the well tailored dresses, in the perfectly manicured phrases (sample sized for later consumption) in the de-commissioned shields used as cocktail trays there is a Rome in its last days; in the citizenry of foreigners in the service of industry, in the roads that stretch to every corner of the empire, in the military having been allowed back inside the city, in the college education that is considered crucial to success. in the martini list stretching the length of the page, in the Pomegranate stained lips of the laughing woman, who could be a movie star or a secretary; in the ginger smoldering in the vodka, in the crushed white peaches dropped in the champagne flutes trailing faceless bubbles; in the hair she lifts from her face to sip; in the candles guttering in the wreckage of half-eaten entrées, in the constant rattle of ice in the shakers that is constant, in the glasses that are re-loaded, in the orders coming in, in the fully automatic laughter that riddles him with smoke, in the servers crouch and weave, in the fresh linen flopped over the guests table, in the bodies dressed to kill, in the olive run through with a plastic sword, in the wobbly signature of the company accountant too drunk to fuck the blonde groping his pockets there is the enactment of a new era; there is the signing of a new bill there is a Rome in its last days. -Nathan Wilson ps. don't steal these or I get my ass kicked.
  18. Hahaha. I wish there was a picture.
  19. I wouldn't do interviews either. You want to know what Moore has to say, then go watch his movies. He's neither a celebrity nor a politician. He's a filmmaker. Duh. That is, unless by "interview" you mean actually mean trial, i.e. you want him to answer for his horrible leftist slander...
  20. Don't worry man, you didn't miss much... No, actually it was pretty good. Kinda slushy though.
  21. Damn I would go but I'm busy tomorrow afternoon.
  22. NF Shuksan eh? PM me next time you're gonna try it...
  23. You can get BD Contacts with toe strap/heel bail, they are pretty light and easily adjustable. Good for boots that have a the heel rib only. http://www.bdel.com/gear/alpinism/contact_clip.php Or if you want to go really light with light hiking boots get some aluminum strap crampons such as:
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