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Everything posted by ashw_justin

  1. Sorry, it's just that every time I see Saddam on TV I get lost in his dreamy eyes and long to curl up in his shaggy beard. Hey you know what's funny, none of us know shit about Iraq except what the media wants us to. So it's quite possible that we can say whatever the hell we want and all be equally FOS.
  2. Hey, who's got my back here. I thought this place was full of moonbats... JoshK?
  3. http://www.wsws.org/articles/2004/may2004/guan-m21.shtml http://www.globalpolicy.org/wtc/analysis/2003/0326gua.htm Look, they're torturing people over in the US, AND their last election was rigged. Guess we better go invade and save the people from their evil leader!!
  4. That's because Hitler, Mussolini, and Stalin, like it or not, were popular in their countries and strongly supported by everyone around them. It takes more than one single leader to do anything, evil or otherwise. It takes all those around him to support it. And if an entire country supports the actions of a their leader, like it or not the supporting country is not going to deem those actions evil. The truth is, bad leaders do fall. If they stray too far from the wishes of their country they get THE AXE. Of course in the USA we like to believe that all bad leaders fall because we say so. That's just our egocentric view of things. What I'm saying is if the Iraqi people thought that Saddam Hussein was a bad evil man, somebody would have killed him. So you have believe one of two things: either Saddam Hussein wasn't a homocidal lunatic, or the entire country is full of homocidal lunatics. Clearly there are those who believe the latter. But I'd like to believe that the Iraqi people are as morally intelligent as a good number of other nations. And these people chose to support a leader, granted who did some bad things. However they were satisfied enough not to revolt, which means by any political theory that his leadership should not have been fucked with on any grounds that he was a bad leader. We went to war on Iraq because we want to maintain our influence in the region, show our strength, and maybe even get some cheap oil in the process. Terrorists and evil leaders were just excuses.
  5. Not sure I'd say "nice," but I don't think he was the homocidal lunatic they wanted us to believe, because if that were true, one of his own people would have killed him a long time ago. All this "the people liked him because they were afraid..." Ahem. How afraid are they when they walk up to heavily armed soldiers and start letting loose? Yeah, I didn't think so.
  6. Well I think it's more of a promoter of evolution. In the wild, a male must prove his fitness to mate through feats of strength and beauty... while in our human society, where intelligence and dexterity are more highly valued, it is the male's ability to conquer complex tasks, that proves his genetic suitability.
  7. WHAT?! I just went to check... yeah, they are still there. Whew! Don't scare me like that!
  8. We made a traverse from the bottom of the actual chutes at 7800', left around the nose of a ridge and then angling up on moderate snow slopes to a steep snow finger and a tiny amount of rock scrambling at the end. It put us a few hundred feet below the Lunch Counter. I do believe that we couldn't have done it any better because our bivy was around 9000 feet, on one of the last rocky spots before the Lunch Counter. For the next couple of weeks it will still be almost all on snow so I highly recommend exiting this way unless you're just doing the whole thing from the car.
  9. You mean the child safety tamperproof mechanisms? Lots of em are designed to prolong foreplay I think.
  10. heheheh. "Yeah, I'm just feel soooooo guilty that my parents are paying private college tuition to a school named after a logging barron, that I have to make up for it by wearing all second-hand clothes and drinking the cheapest beer possible..."
  11. I don't know what to say. I'm not sure I'd feel comfortable climbing with someone who doesn't drink PBR. Course, that's why I always try to have a half-rack in the trunk, that way we can get things straight, before my life depends on it.
  12. Yeah cragging is a little different, it's pretty much a controlled environment with easy backout potential. So I'd say perfect for finding out what kind of climber someone is. I've done that on lots of occasions.
  13. Whether you're male or female you need to balance between tolerance and pickiness when hooking up with climbers here, which is to say you want to find out enough to make sure that you can trust them on the climb before agreeing to go, but that once you do commit to it, be willing to put up perhaps with some unexpected problems. I think a good rule is don't agree to do anything with someone you've never met, that you wouldn't consider soloing. If you can't satisfy this rule, then maybe it would be a good idea to get to know them first on safer/easier ground.
  14. ashw_justin


    Ok. You're supposed to take them off before crapping.
  15. No gruelling bushwhack approach is complete without heavy plastic "ski" boots... http://www.neolectric.com/~justin/hardboots.html
  16. Didn't someone get a picture of that?
  17. Oh you mean THAT traverse... heheheh...
  18. I think you need to stop talking shit about carnage you weren't even there to witness, you punkass!
  19. Actually it was all part of my approach handicap. The best part was traversing 45 degree moss over bedrock with that pack on. Man that was some CORE 'shwhacking! Being on a splitboard was more than enough of an approach handicap. Uh, who skinned up the Eldorado Glacier?
  20. Didn't you read my post? Actually it was all part of my approach handicap. The best part was traversing 45 degree moss over bedrock with that pack on. Man that was some CORE 'shwhacking!
  21. Oh actually I take that back, those were only BD Contacts. So THAT's why...
  22. Well, the poles are purely for beating off the mountain ladies who wait and try to ambush us on the trail. They can't resist the sight of a splitboard strapped onto such a humungous pack. You may also notice my impressively overkill BD Makos for just in case we find some waterfall ice, and the cool snowboard pack secured atop the overnight pack, so I can look extra cool on summit day. Cuz you know, there's no more to life than looking "really really really really really ridiculously good-looking."
  23. You've never SEEN me look hella sketch, foo! Shit, I'm pimpin' even when I'm sketchin'. Just ask Sky, he's got the photos filed neatly away in one of his many gear storage areas...
  24. ooooooh is it time for a photo-flame-fest? Bah-dow! Bwahahahahah!
  25. Looking for plastic boot-compatible snowboard bindings. PM please if you know where I can find a used or economical set.
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