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Everything posted by ashw_justin

  1. Me too! Me too! I got the road pedals/shoes because they were on sale, $40 for Shimano SPD-R and $17 for road shoes. Lighter too, until you factor in the tennis shoes in your backpack...
  2. How about Voeckler doing it by himself, and 23 years old! Give that man a freakin' team...
  3. This has got to be one of the ugliest threads I've seen in a while.
  4. I'm telling you man, those clipless pedals are sweet. A little stressful in stop-and-go traffic though. And your bike may be a young sexy virgin, but mine's got mature grace, and that irrestible Bianchi celeste!
  5. Here's my ride, except it has clipless pedals and 23's instead of 20's now. I don't feel that I'm cool enough for the messenger bag or the racing jersey yet...
  6. Tell ya what Paul, since you're not getting your mountain workout this weekend, ride it up here so I can have a look... Oh yeah and now that you have a road bike you have to start following the TDF, and riding around everywhere in a brightly colored racing jersey just like Lance! Man I am shit-talking up a storm here. I must really be bored... Hmm but seriously, maybe we should get you some clipless pedals and go on a road ride tomorrow...
  7. Whoa, hold up! No way Paul, you can't officially nominate yourself for the granola guerilla until you get clipless pedals for that bad-boy... One of these wouldn't hurt, either... ()
  9. Yeah alpine is not looking too great weather-wise. of course neither are the lowlands... Do you ski/snowboard? Actually it'll probably just rain on Baker...
  10. Hey mods, I think this thread still belongs in the fitness forum... can you maybe just clean up the offending parts and put it back?
  11. Oh man you asked for it. When I played rugby we did some sick circuit routines that seriously left you wanting to lay down and puke. I can't reveal the secret details of the torturefest but it involved doing as many bodyweight excercises as you possibly can in cycles, with almost no rest. So an example would be: Pushups: 1 min, as many as you can do 20 seconds rest Situps: 1 min, as many as you can do 20 sec rest Calf-raises (easy for a reason): 1 min 20 sec rest Jump squats!!! Like squats but faster, with a jump at the end. This is the crux of the cycle... 1 min 20 sec rest Back raises 1 min 20 sec rest A timer is helpful. The heart of the routine: repeat 4 to 10 times, or until you vomit! NEVER rest for longer than 20 seconds, even when repeating the cycle. Bonus excercises you can throw into the cycles: Pullups (if you have a pullup bar) Dips Stairs... ps. if done right, most of your body will be in excruciating pain the next day!
  12. Oh thanks a lot Bush, now they have another excuse to hate Lance!
  13. a real stand up guy Yeah I bet he's a real punkass, but that's never been reason enough before... at least not officially...
  14. F00k that shit (and your five Y chromosomes...), the US government looks the other way for countless other people. They must think he was a defector or something, or want to practice their novel interrogation techniques. They're gonna sick a chess computer on him and rig the game. He'll crack. Oh yes...
  15. Man I'm getting pretty sick of the commentators always going on and on about Lance Armstrong. I love to hear about it when he's actually out in front, but all this "bla bla bla all according to plan bla bla" sure is getting annoying. Especially when there's actually a race happening up front. I thought commentating is all about the drama? Stop calling the race!
  16. ashw_justin


    I just saw a commercial where people are playing frisbee... in their cars. Umm... yeah. When the overdevelopment-induced pestilence comes, we're probably gonna deserve it.
  17. Man these girl climbers are far out, one's a pro surfer and the other one just turned into an anime character...
  18. lol... I think they were mainly just razzing your belayer!
  19. You mean back in the old days, Paul? heheheh
  20. Surely that can't be the most elegant way of increasing range? It's just so complicated...
  21. Well hopefully someday we can protect all of the poor defenseless rock, and ban all outdoor climbing. I mean, like, that why they have rock climbing gyms, right?
  22. So I think her first name is actually spelled "Salma?" Or do you think it's just a stage name anyway?
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