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John Frieh

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Everything posted by John Frieh

  1. Maybe you read it wrong... I think extreme ski descents are very impressive. What I was getting at/trying to say was if someone does pull off a ski descent of a particular route and I am considering climbing it I should heavily consider soloing it.
  2. What day you headed down? I'm thinking about going but just for Sunday.
  3. Step 4: If a particular route is skied then the only acceptable style of ascent post FSD would be to solo the route. If someone can descend a route minus a rope then you should be able to ascend the route in the same style.
  4. Hopefully only the operator... a snowmachine would be some sweet booty to score Mother's day!
  5. So in roughly 3 weeks we can expect 8 different threads asking about the E face of Cutthroat FYI Generally the road gets plowed well past WA pass from the East side before they open the gate so if you are hurting for a route you can bike, motorcycle, or hell even walk the road. Road is gated at MP 170 on the east side; WA pass is at MP 163.
  6. Or we could just get it over with and ban you.
  7. Pics of ice screws? Check yo PMs...
  8. Look he is already practicing his hand crimping position!
  9. Even if he does you still have to let go of your mama's titty!!!! And clean the bathroom and mow the yard! Congrats dude! Bring him to DT night and we can take turns watching him so you can climb!
  10. PDX DT session either/both: Friday after 5/6 pm. Anytime either Sat or Sun. PM me if interested and what day(s)/time(s) work well for you. I am happy to do 2 sessions... Come see the new crag and the world's first grade II M4
  11. Who don't you get into an argument with? Book and movie are different... which one are you referring to?
  12. I don't think he was talking about your posting style
  13. Let me get this straight... you want even more freedom than you guys had this past year at ropeup 2005? Maybe you and Loren didn't learn you lesson... or perhaps you can't remember what it was. Maybe AlpineDave or Oly or the CWU crew can help you reconstruct the events... I can only imagine the debauchery punk rock holds
  14. NOLSe is available So is L0ngpause
  15. O chem? Dude... all you need to know is how to push protons around and you're set. Go climbing!
  16. nope... still shaking
  17. still using PBR to try and meet girls in the parking lot? PS: I'm not from CO
  18. Pick up the slack and start putting up your own hard routes.
  19. Ummm... no. Edit: I understand what you are getting but their is no way I could have prevented this due to buying a house, taking graduate classes and quitting my job for 8 months. The amount and number of deductions I qualified for was just too much
  20. You can demo all those and more at PDX drytool night
  21. Please stop. We don't need any more CO kids around here. Let them think all the real mountains are in CO.
  22. Forget dividends... it's tax time. REFUND REFUND REFUND New personal record! Though I do owe Multnomah County 38 dollars
  23. John Frieh

    Nat Portman

  24. Club Sport long hands to fist crack just right of warm up route that overhands first 15' then goes vertical: 5.10c wide crack on free standing pillar in center of gym w/ a dog leg right at 12': 10d/11a fingers to thin hands crack in shallow corner just left of ABC slab wall: 5.hard... anybody know what this is rated? Anybody else tried these?
  25. No I like it because I have a flash pass I need to use up before the end of the month.
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