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Everything posted by girlclimber

  1. girlclimber


    "it kind of defies criticism." WRONG.
  2. 1. Unitarian Universalism (100%) 2. Liberal Quakers (96%) 3. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (88%) 4. Theravada Buddhism (85%) 5. Secular Humanism (84%) 6. Neo-Pagan (75%) 7. Taoism (75%) 8. Mahayana Buddhism (75%) cool, i do like green apples
  3. on eBay, $125 new link or from same seller, $130 (more sizes) Gear Shack
  4. it's new to me, and pretty damn funny
  5. i love it
  6. Scorpio-o-o-o
  7. I can reach 3 but...OK nevermind I'm all set! Doh! bye bye to arlen's chronic gumby!
  8. or, that statement may be what is known as an exaggeration
  9. in winter, the gate at Longmire is closed at 4:30 to uphill traffic, and shut to downhill traffic at 6:00. go, it is spectacular up there right now!
  10. Sierra Trading Post has different models of Camp ice tools on sale, ranging in price from $62.36 - $119.95 link
  11. the report i read on everestnews said that NZ guide David Hiddleston was one of those who died in the avalanche.
  12. hm, that is definitely something to think about. my main reason for going at that time (besides night visibility) is that there usually seems to be a bit of clear weather around a full moon.
  13. done. i'm definitely for the legalization of same-sex marriage, but the results of that poll surprise me
  14. thanks for the info, guys i got a couple Express ice screws for christmas and you've convinced me that screws with CG handles are the only way to go
  15. eh who needs women anyway
  16. can someone tell me what the difference is between BD's "Express" and "Turbo" ice screws? i can see that the Express has some weird little knob but fail to see the significance of it.
  17. i wanna give it a shot around full-moon time, early Feb. or March. someone else up for it?
  18. can't wait for this! i only pray that you're right hey, MisterE = Mystery. did everyone else already realize this?
  19. my (supersmart) math teacher told me that IQ tests measure primarily how fast you think, not how intelligent you are. 'course, she might have just been trying to make me feel better i got 135, and apparently i'm an "Insightful Linguist"
  20. who's hiding behind the Scarlett avatar?
  21. i polished off a giant Symphony candy bar my sis gave me man those things are good
  22. yeah, i think he slings the strap across his chest so the shovel/probe duo is on his back. definitely recommend the D-grip. they're much more comfortable when digging, but can be a bit tougher to put on your pack if you're using the regular ice-ax loop. my dad has a life-link and i have an off brand i got for $35 on sale, and they've performed equally well.
  23. true, everything is subjective, but there are some things that most everyone agrees on, and i had assumed that the fascinating nature of this story would be one of them. the fact that it's been translated into 14 languages may back me up. speaking personally, Touching the Void is certainly the most captivating book i've read, and it's lost none of its impact over the years.
  24. what's a milf?
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