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Everything posted by girlclimber

  1. oh man, only one thing?? i could make an entire list....and topping it would be excessive amounts of candy
  2. oh btw, did you see my snowman in the hut??
  3. it was never doubted that is real
  4. man, you hit it just right. way to go
  5. you guys thought i was a fake??? ooohh my avatars are going to get you for this
  6. i was thinking it looks like a great winter route as well. the main problem would be hitting the weather/conditions right, because it's a long one. my dad and i climbed it last year on the Fourth of July weekend. first night spent on top of Pyramid Peak, second at around 10,300 on the cleaver. next day carried over and down the DC to save a looong walk out.
  7. dude that is way too cool! now if only he would take note of all the women who admire guys in skirts posting on the "MisterE=Bellingham Cross-dresser of the Month" thread...
  8. either they changed it, or i got all mixed up . yesterday the gate was closed at 5:00 to uphill traffic, 6:30 to downhill. a note with the lock combo was attached to our door when my dad and i returned late to Paradise
  9. if you are unfortunate enough to not know how to ski, as i am, ....."nasty crust" means good climbing, right?
  10. Joe didn't realize Simon wasn't at the other end of the rope until it came sailing down into the crevasse
  11. i haven't been part of this site long enough to perceive all the changes some of you have mentioned, but i know it bums me out when people leave the site. whether of their own free will or through being banned, i feel like we lose out on what those people have to contribute. whether it's one of trask's posts cracking you up after a bad day or Fairweather representing the right in a group of left-wingers, everyone brings something different to the table and that's what makes cc.com so great.
  12. there's no problem getting tickets, eh? no lines around the block hours before the movie starts?
  13. that is quite amusing!
  14. those Sierra Designs convertible bags are an interesting concept. they used to be offered in 15/30 and 0/15 degrees, i'm not sure if this is still the case. the drawback is weight, even the down versions aren't all that light.
  15. i can just envision his retort to that one....man i miss trask
  16. i read that out of the seven months it took him, five of those were spent in jail
  17. sorry guys, no longer up for grabs, we have a taker!
  18. 1984 - i'm a baby rat
  19. no underagers allowed, i suppose
  20. all this talk of Joe Simpson has made me wonder about Simon Yates, is he still mountaineering, putting up more awesome routes?
  21. girlclimber


    actually, i think he would say "fuck off, you good-fer-nothin, panty-munchin dickwad"
  22. sure, you can pull 'em out of a magazine for free. but this one entitles you to a $29 email coupon for rockcreek.com when you pay the $29.95 subscription rate. that's a year of Rock&Ice for less than a buck! good through January only. pm me your address if you want it
  23. 317.3 and i ain't gonna tell you how long it took me . i just wanted to beat marylou
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