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Everything posted by girlclimber

  1. thanks for the info, mates! i'm gonna watch 'em both
  2. i read somewhere that it's the third gendarme....probably on this site!
  3. ehmmic is right, a large portion of the book is about the Eiger. he also talks about ice climbing, death in the mountains, and giving up mountaineering. a great book, imo i got the impression that Touching the Void would be shown only in select theaters, not widespread like most films. does anyone know if this is the case?
  4. girlclimber

    Erik is...

    my god, and i thought bush's state of the union address would be the worst thing i'd hear tonight.
  5. i know, i know. but i'm a perfectionist
  6. this REI page says Joe's presentation will start at 7:30, but there's "a special climbing competition" that begins at 6:30
  7. he 'only' broke one leg, shattered his right knee to be precise
  8. OMG. Is that -? Preparing to insert head up ass? jeezus! i think you're right, stonehead!
  9. you're right. but i'm picky
  10. i wouldn't count on it
  11. thanks for the heads-up. i think i'm too cheap to pay 25 bucks to hear someone talk though
  12. aww cute
  13. there's nothin that gets me going like some good old-fashioned snake oil!
  14. ohh we know, wirly
  15. it really is absurd that straight people are allowed to marry as "a joke" while gay couples actually wanting a commitment are turned away.
  16. those new Snickers Marathon bars are so tasty that i'm always tempted to eat them when i'm just bumming around
  17. dude, it's the gear critic
  18. girlclimber

    Lunch of the Day

    blt made with meatless soy 'smart bacon' . yum
  19. what a great insult!
  20. i thought it was Stephen?
  21. when are we invited?
  22. you obviously don't spend enough time on this site
  23. what happened to the woman who wore these?
  24. THANK GOD!! he's still alive. man i was worried there for a bit.
  25. lol excellent link Top Ten Ways To Make Soccer More Exciting To Americans 10. Foreign countries play for the right to nuke each other. 9. Every five seconds, goal or no goal, have that nutty Spanish guy scream, "Goooooaaaallll!" 8. Use clever ad slogans like, "Soccer--You'll Get a Kick Out of It!" 7. Stop bein' a bunch of old ladies and let 'em use their hands, for God's sake. 6. Add four bases, a ball and a bat like a real damn sport! 5. Get all them damn foreigners off the field. 4. How 'bout some cars gettin' smashed up real good? 3. Lewinsky! 2. Replace ref with Jerry Springer and let the fun begin. 1. Less corner kicking, more coach-kicking.
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