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Everything posted by faster_than_you

  1. What, no Peter Alexander and PierceStuggart? I suppose it's obvious that EVERYONE would like to meet The Nodder.
  2. Cameras were rolling as a firefighter brought a cat from the brink of death with a breath of life. Firefighter Saves Kitty
  3. Peace and harmony may not sell news copy, but you get the real impression that there isn't peace and harmony. I wonder what Chris (and Scott Fischer) would think about this?
  4. I disagree. The article suggests the appraised value of the company was not as high as the inheritor wanted. The value of this business, like other service businesses, may lie primarily in its brand and/or the cache of its service providers. The younger a business, the more the value lies in its providers. If a key provider leaves or dies that will diminish the value of the enterprise. Older businesses, with more established track records and brand recognition, will take less of a hit when one or two key people leave. These factors would be true of any guiding business, so I don't think it speaks to the quality of MM as a guide service. I think the article says a lot more. It mentions some misinformation (withheld) during the search. It also mentions the poor working relationship w/ others during the search. That reflects on everyone involved. It also mentions a greiving mother who somehow doesn't feel too connected w/ the company her daughter owned. That is supported and reflected by an absurb comment from the chairman of the board who actually said to the press about the entire affair, "Disappointment was born of expectation." What sensitivity!
  5. What's actually going on over there? I found this in the Seattle Times. It doesn't seem very positive.
  6. you forgot cougars, dogs, cars, coyotes...
  7. Big kitties... Mice can relax. Even nesting birds can sing a little more cheerily. Their number one enemy, it seems, is getting so fat he can barely be bothered to get off the sofa for a night's hunting. Vets have found that cats are imitating their owners' couch potato lifestyle. As a result of eating more and exercising less, more than a third of cats are overweight and the number of cases of feline diabetes has risen five-fold in 30 years. Edinburgh University researchers estimate that one in 230 - or up to 400,000 pet cats - is diabetic. Danielle Gunn-Moore, a professor of feline medicine, said: "The lifestyle of cats is changing. They are tending to eat too much, gain weight and take less exercise. "Unfortunately, just like people, cats will over-eat if they are offered too much tasty food, particularly if they are bored and have little else to do. "While cats would naturally exercise outside, many cats are now housebound - perhaps because they live in a flat or because their owners feel that it is too dangerous to let them out - so they have little to do all day but eat, sleep and gain weight." In addition, stressed-out Britons are increasingly relying on cats for companionship. Professor Gunn-Moore said: "Cats are now the number one pet, they are more popular than dogs. People get in late and they don't want to walk the dog. "They want the cat there as a companion and if it's outside chasing mice, it's not going to be there as a companion." Vet Elaine Pendlebury said much of the problem was because of owners giving their cats calorie-laden treats. She said: "People are feeding them things like sausages from their own table. Sausages are quite high in salt and quite fatty. "If you want to give your cat a treat, give it a small bit of boiled chicken or, even better, play a game with your cat." The diabetes study, published in the Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, looked at the veterinary records of 14,000 cats, coupled with questionnaires filled in by owners. Cats are not the only pets to be losing the battle of the bulge. A quarter of dogs are clinically obese and overweight rabbits and even hamsters are also a common sight in vets' surgeries.
  8. I want to see third party timers. Otherwise, "Idea Guy" is nothing but a Nodder.
  9. CC.COM: Where is The Nodder
  10. According to Al Gore, we're all next? The whole prosecutor thing, including Gonzo, is just politics.
  11. I thought you otter know what's going on.
  12. Then why the hell even have the law? So, when they WILL catch me without the MLU, what are they gonna do? Wag a finger? Yeah, wag the finger if you don't have one (for now, the tickets come later). But if you need a rescue and don't have an MLU, they may be able to find some way of assigning liability AND SAR cost/restitution. Politicians love scapgoating and retribution. I know PDX is cool and all, but what did you expect from the American State of OREGON!
  13. I'm hoping that the Nodder climbs Mt Hood so that it can be tracked with an MLU. Thank you OR legislature!
  14. I thought the ethic was that you were suppose to take those things? Obviously you left your shit in a place you shouldn't have, VANTAGE...
  15. Both... and a few others... if manageable that is...
  16. It sure is smokey in the Alaska Range. Oh my god.
  17. Wasn’t that a pic of Forest, taken by Westman??
  18. Houston, we have a problem... Lust in Space... They keep pointing out that the guy is a Top Gun pilot?
  19. Avoid simul-climbing with The Nodder.
  20. OMG, Bush is a Nodder
  21. Sure did!
  22. Arc is a Nodder
  23. OK, someone finally said it. Dan, Dan, Dan, Dan.... Where fore art thou Dan when we need him????
  24. PDX has a few nice brew pubs, but it hardly rules??? Like Seattle, it's full of your typical NW passive agreesive types who drive like shit. And moreover, there seems to be a shortage of good looking women yet plenty of thick sweaters.
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