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Everything posted by faster_than_you

  1. Did you just take that photo? I heard there was some serious lightning in Seattle today.
  2. Arc is OBVIOUSLY a Nodder, so by defacto, this is a Nodder thread. OMG
  3. Personally, I'm hoping to see some more posts about the Nodder.
  4. BRAND NEW, never used North Face Mountain 25 for sale. $250. More info here Almost brand new Mountain Hardware EV 3 for sale, $400 OBO. More info here
  5. I have a practically new EV 3 for sale. IT's in fab shape, drop a note if you're interested. They retail for $750, I'm asking $400 OBO.
  6. I dare you. I DOUBLE DOG DARE YOU...
  7. I recall that Off_White. But wasn't it Icefall, or was that Crampon? Oh well, now it's Arc? Oh my God, The Nodder
  8. As to this question, perhaps he'd like to see a lot of Nodders and FEMA employees?
  9. For the dog lovers.
  10. Don't let Duchess here that...
  11. I'm a Daisy man, myself. 15XK, .177 rounds. You never know when you're gonna need to put a BB through some motherfucker's sneaker. Since your talking rifles, I prefer my Springfield Arms M1 A. Nothing like hitting your target at 1000 meters. Of course, it's a bit heavy to lug around under your jacket.
  12. faster_than_you

    Jury duty

    My dad and I have a similar name, but not exactly the same. Anyway, he received the jury duty letter and served. Only after they sent him a pay check for his public service did he realize that he stood in for me... What was more funny is that he was then called again a few months later... only this time they got his name right. Thanks Dad!
  13. or nunchuks I prefer my nickle plated Remington 1911. God bless America and your right work for a minimum wage.
  14. I should have said, bananna "hammock." Have you been boning up on your Shappho Mr. Seagal? BTW, I have not seen The Nodder.
  15. Well, I tasted a few of their frappe's and they really were Nescafe. But I'm not judging the country on it's "frappe" anyway. I've hear that the greeks were "gruff" but that just isn't so on Kalymnos. The attitude on this island is 100% climber friendly. It's almost shocking, as soon as the cab dropped me off, folks were handing me the route guide and letting me know about updated conditions, etc. I suppose that this island is a bit off of the main tourist circuit, so you can sense a bit of its need for some sort of tourism... Imagine, an island that relies on climbers AND loves them... OMG... Also, I'm rather impressed w/ how reasonable the prices are on food and lodging - 20 euros a night for studio w/ 2 beds, furnished kitchen, private bath... (not in Athens though). As for the climbing, yeah, all sport, but hey it IS fun and the rock is good. I felt guilty skipping Yosemite for this place, but being a classical history major, I had to go for it. Plus it's interesting to be the only American around. Though I suppose I could fit in better if I wore a bananna sling, spandex and carried more European labels(oddly, I noticed that Greeks love American t-shirts) More later...
  16. Pipe dream... But a good one...
  17. Hey KKK, I just posted the link, w/o comment (and w/ a positive quote I might add). I'll leave the discourse to you spray lords.
  18. They love Nescafe in Athens??? (you can pay 5-6 bucks for a "Nescafe Frappe"). They drink it w/ straws? Watch the motorcyclists... What's up w/ the dogs and cats around town? They look like well fed strays? So far, the weather is FAB, Greece seems totally great, Athens is a very lively city. Now for the islands! Thanks for the tips Crackers...
  19. OMG... "But he went to Yale, he has had an exclusive upbringing and he is by no means a dimwit."
  20. An April trip report of LR in August?? Can we say, dirtpile?
  21. Hey AquamanJr Do you find it find smokey in the water? B/c it sure is smokey up here.
  22. Hey Crakers I sent you a PM. Thanks
  23. This coded typing must be kind of like ebonics but for instant messenger. Amazing what kids are learning in schools these days. The dude is from Eatonville... that said, gotta admire his interests...
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