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Everything posted by faster_than_you

  1. What IS the Nodder? Who is Mrs. Alden? What an Otter got to do with it? No, it's WHERE is the Nodder. OMG
  2. A 33-pound cat in Qingdao, China, is being described as a "feline monster" because of its 31-inch waist and large size, according to a report. The 9-year-old cat from the Shandong Province is so heavy it needs the help of its owner to get onto a bed. However, the cat is in surprisingly good health despite its weight, Local 6 News reported. The cat's owner said it has no interest in eating fish but prefers to eat six pounds of chicken and pork each day. This fat cat is not alone in his weight problem, according to the report. Obesity has become a serious problem for the modern cat, primarily due to a lack of exercise and a richer diet. Cats are susceptible to a range of illnesses including kidney trouble and diabetes, if they are allowed to remain overweight. Watch Local 6 News for more on this story.
  3. My advice is to bring Ted of Talkeetna along. His presence will be a force multiplier in your quest for drudgery and suffering.
  4. They look like the ompa loompas from Charlie and Chocalate factory. AS for the intial pix of "Pat" at the top of the page, "it" looks more like the kings son in Monty Python's Holy Grail. Remember him? The question is, if "it" soloed a glacier route, would "it" draw any attention?
  5. Practically new ski and snowboard luggage bag, used a few times. The large bag is UBER durable. It's black, has some sort of durable rubber/plastic outer, metal hardware, and closed cell foam to protect the merchandise inside. Well made, ala Patagonia style. It can hold at least 4 pairs of skis, or a few snowboards. Perfect for a family, or ski team, etc. I just didn't use. Protect your ski investment for $75.
  6. I'm with you, I finalized plans for an awesome upcoming week in the mountains. The forecast is something to celebrate! I turned on the radio and all I heard was some whine-fest about the officials. I suspect it wont last 8 months. It will be like that baseball team a few years that lost in a sweep to the Yankees.
  7. BTW, have you seen that weather report for the week!!!
  8. Now we wont have to listen to this superbowl stuff for the next 8 months.
  9. Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms... Should be available at all convenience stores. Image of American Flag with text that says, "The only place these colors run are in my heart." Similarly, "The only place these colors burn are in my heart."
  10. I want some third party timer varification? Anything less could be pissing at Snoqualmie Pass. It also begs the question, what is he using for hydration.
  11. Check this noise... any takers? http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...QfromZR8QQfviZ1 I will pee your initials in the snow, hopefully on Alaska’s Mt. Denali (Mt. McKinley) up to 20,320 feet in elevation. Here is the deal… The highest bidder will get their initials peed in the snow at their bid amount in elevation. Example, if your bid is $17,399 then I will pee in the snow at 17,399 feet on Mt. Denali. I will have a picture taken of your initials peed in the snow, a picture of my altimeter, a photo looking out towards the scenery from that spot along with a copy of my climbing journal, which will mention your name and this crazy event. I may also include additional photos of the adventure, photocopies of my receipts, etc. to provide you with more proof that I actually did this. If I actually obtain $20,320 or more and am required to do the deed at that elevation and the weather does not allow for my group to reach the summit of 20,320 feet then I will go as high as the weather safely permits and will do the deed. The group I am planning on going with usually always reaches the summit. There is also a camp elevation around 17,200 feet and I should definitely be able to reach that since I am planning around 26 days to reach the summit. So long as the weather allows and God forbid nothing wrong happens, I will be able to at least do the deed at this elevation. There will be a minimum bid of $7,200 to get me to base camp elevation on Mt. Denali. If I do not reach a minimum of $7,200, then I will choose a place of my choice in Alaska and climb to the "bid elevation" and do the deed and provide the same information as stated above. For the National Park Service and Environmentalist, I will be utilizing my p-bottle on the mountain. After I do the deed, I will immediately remove the pee and pack it out with me. I am a man of my word. You are bidding on: A "bid elevation" for me to pee your initials in the snow. Picture of your initials in the snow at the "bid elevation" e-mailed to you Picture of my altimeter at the "bid elevation" emailed to you Picture of the scenery at the "bid elevation" emailed to you Copy of my climbing journal emailed to you You may also receive additional information to prove that I actually did this. One last thing… I am doing this now in January to allow me enough time to condition myself for the climb. I also need to make reservations with the guide and need to register 60 days in advance with the National Park Service. I will have the items e-mailed to you buy early July 2006 at the latest. Could be a few days after the auction ends if it is a low enough "bid elevation". Climbing season for Mt. Denali for me will be between early May 2006 to Late June 2006. Thank you for looking at my first E-bay sale and hope this is a success. Please e-mail me with any questions. Happy bidding and good luck to us both. Your new good friend, Ron
  12. There's a entire list of gnarly ass shit. Check out the titles. 21ST CENTURY REVENGE Down and Dirty Tactics for the Millennium http://www.loompanics.com/cgi-local/Soft...store.cfg+19212 YOUR REVENGE IS IN THE MAIL http://www.loompanics.com/cgi-local/Soft...store.cfg+19146 HOW TO LOSE YOUR EX-WIFE FINANCIALLY FOREVER! Gain Financial Freedom from Your Ex: Escape the Bondage of Excessive Child Support and Alimony http://www.loompanics.com/cgi-local/Soft...store.cfg+61177 THE POLICEMAN IS YOUR FRIEND AND OTHER LIES http://www.loompanics.com/cgi-local/Soft...store.cfg+58095 HOW TO MAKE $50 PER HOUR SCREWING IN LIGHT BULBS http://www.loompanics.com/cgi-local/Soft...store.cfg+64255 DEATH BY "GUN CONTROL" http://www.loompanics.com/cgi-local/Soft...store.cfg+25099 REVOLUTION FOR THE HELL OF IT http://www.loompanics.com/cgi-local/Soft...store.cfg+94415 BACKYARD CATAPULTS How to build one http://www.loompanics.com/cgi-local/Soft...store.cfg+19247 YOUR MONEY OR YOUR LIFE Why We Must Abolish the Income Tax http://www.loompanics.com/cgi-local/Soft...store.cfg+13093 ABUSE YOUR ILLUSIONS The Disinformation Guide to Media Mirages and Establishment Lies http://www.loompanics.com/cgi-local/Soft...store.cfg+99224 PROFESSIONAL KILLERS An Inside Look http://www.loompanics.com/cgi-local/Soft...store.cfg+34057 THE BEST DEMOCRACY MONEY CAN BUY http://www.loompanics.com/cgi-local/Soft...store.cfg+94375
  13. This is a better one to start with... http://www.loompanics.com/cgi-local/Soft...re.cfg+-p+76041
  14. IMO, this is the best pagetop. Better than the American or Canadian pagetops... And I've taken all the pagetop courses... I even have third party pagetop timers to back me up.
  15. Get back to me when this happens. You're defensive argument has grown tiresome.
  16. Broadly comparing US avalanche education to Canadian education - since there was no standard level of US education until recently, every provide did whatever the fuck they pleased. Some were really excellent, indepth, and organized. Somewhere were half stoned bc afficinados. Which ones did you take and where?Since there was no consensus on what a US course was until recently, while Canada had established standards, comparing the 2 countries is retarded. I've taken a number of courses over 10 years and talked with a number of professionals (on several continents) about education standards, professional applicability, and usefulness. They think the CAA course is good. But for the same number of Class days some of the American Level 1-3 programs are good, as can be the USFS school. As always your $.02 may be different. Wanna argue over who makes the best beer too? Or maybe we can argue over who had the best turns in the backcountry this weekend (I did BTW.) SO, have you taken the CAA course?
  17. I can't get behind that...
  18. Snow and ice, global warming wont make that so cool anymore.
  19. OMG! Where is the Noddder? I wonder if they found the Nodder somewhere up in the Queets Basin, or over in the upper Dose? Maybe the book will tell all, and be a NY-Times best seller. OMG
  20. Given the complete absence of meaningful (any) standards in American Avalanche Education until very recently (AIARE standards only have become big recently http://www.avtraining.org/ ) you weren't really comparing anything, merely flatulating wildly. As for course length USFS Avy School is recognized "worldwide" for whatever the fuck that is worth too. Have you even taken the CAA course to formulate your own comparison/opinion? I get the impression that your answer is no... The CAA course was the most comprehensive I've taken, and I don't need "somebody else’s standards" to tell me differently. It was evident on many levels, and it's no dis- to the USFS courses. It's like this, if you take a number of courses, you can make a comparison for yourself. But until you do, you're just a Nodder; a serious one at that. See you in the backcountry, or not.
  21. Pursuing truth at altitude...
  22. Sorry, I didn't mean to suggest that site would spell it out for you. You'll have to do a little digging by contacting individuals within OMR to find out specifics. Like Oly said, Bremerton John is a good source in addition to MTNEER, who somewhat infrequently posts on Cascade Climbers. I did do a little digging, i.e. I went directly to the publisher, which advertises the book as coming out this spring. The publisher seems to be the most reliable source. I’m poking fun at a collection of guys (and gals) who are authoring this guide, but didn’t maintain the accuracy of a website that advertises the publishing date. As stated, I’m excited to see (and buy) the guide. Perhaps the rescue unit could update their website and provide some accurate information for the rest of us (and not make us dig around?) It may help everyone else who is obviously eager to get the book. Don’t be a Nodder.
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