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Everything posted by faster_than_you

  1. Readers should be aware that names and situations were changed and altered throughout the book. One example is the situation referenced by Mankato - i.e. the conversation on the glacier about knowing the deceased climber and then subesquently saying "good riddance... etc". That simply did not happen. And Mankato is right, it's too bad that a terribly inaccurate and insensitive picture was portrayed for the family and friends of the deceased climber. But aren't mountaineering books notorious for heavily opinionated 'facts' and kiss and tell stories? They make much better reads that way. Otherwise, without some embellishment, this book would have been nearly 200 pages of blaming everyone else for her problems while trying to explain why the author couldn't get along with her climbing partners.
  2. Wow Dechristo! You must be on special terms (or have special access) with MJ to be aware of such sleep-overs.
  3. Keep your eyes out for The Nodder while you're over there!
  4. I consider that a problem. It's back to what started this discussion, a basic Bill of Rights amendment being restored.
  5. No, you probably won't. The restrictions go park by park, and I doubt that Denali NP, for example, given their appropriate 'wildlife comes first' policy, is going to suddenly cater to dumbshit yahoos who don't know how to travel safely in bear country. My advice if you're too lazy or stupid to learn how to travel safely in bear country is to stay in the safe little toy parks where there are none. The quickness in which you produced such an influentcial and "informed" opinion (not only about my motivations, but what the NPS is actually going to do) is staggering. Do you normally convince and motivate others that you're thoughts/opins are superior? It didn't work here. Basically, I think the 2nd amendment gives me the right to carry responsibly. I'm not talking a shoulder fire nuke, but a gun. It doesn't MATTER what YOU think about my choices. This as MY right to choose and carry. BTW, YOU have the right too. And if I do something wrong or stupid w/ the gun (like shooting wildlife or signs, which I wouldn't do) then I PAY THE CONSEQUENCES! Actually, the NPS and other agencies will determine when and if you can carry, not you, regardless of how you interpret the 2nd amendment. Thankfully, for the rest of us, every idiot out there does not get to decide this for themselves. There are actually a few levels of juristriction in some parks. Particularly in Alaska, which allows for various activities depending on boudaries. I never said that the NPS wouldn't determine the regs. I also wouldn't rule out a new administration trying to overturn them. Reading is cool, reading more than one source is smart. You seem angry and self righteous. Capping rounds may help you blow some steam. I wonder if someone out there thinks you're an idiot too?
  6. No, you probably won't. The restrictions go park by park, and I doubt that Denali NP, for example, given their appropriate 'wildlife comes first' policy, is going to suddenly cater to dumbshit yahoos who don't know how to travel safely in bear country. My advice if you're too lazy or stupid to learn how to travel safely in bear country is to stay in the safe little toy parks where there are none. The quickness in which you produced such an influentcial and "informed" opinion (not only about my motivations, but what the NPS is actually going to do) is staggering. Do you normally convince and motivate others that you're thoughts/opins are superior? It didn't work here. Basically, I think the 2nd amendment gives me the right to carry responsibly. I'm not talking a shoulder fire nuke, but a gun. It doesn't MATTER what YOU think about my choices. This as MY right to choose and carry. BTW, YOU have the right too. And if I do something wrong or stupid w/ the gun (like shooting wildlife or signs, which I wouldn't do) then I PAY THE CONSEQUENCES!
  7. I work out in the outback pretty regularly and never carry a rife. So I'm curious - why do you feel you need the handgun? I'm really happy for you. I just like to carry.
  8. Very cool news indeed, though I won't be carrying while climbing... but DEFINITELY when visiting parks in AK, MT, etc.
  9. Sure are Nodder...
  10. Hey FW and Kas, Maybe we could agree that the study doesn't even ask questions about how bad and CROWDED the parking situation is? The questions seemed intent on crowding issues. They should be fair and conduct the study in other months like Nov, Dec, and Jan... Going to Rainier in Mid July and asking if it's crowded seems like a loaded question. The panic comment at the end is just odd.
  11. Manning's comment poorly represent enviros. A "trail promoter" doesn't mean that someone is not an environmentalist. Claiming the title of "environmentalist" while casting aside everyone else who feels and believes differently about access and the environment is short sided and counterproductive. I don't buy the argument that reopening the road (even if they have to rebuild it up on the hillside) will REALLY destroy or adversely affect the valley, river, trees, habitat, etc permanently. They built the road before and things OBVIOUSLY turned out fine with regard to habitat, vegetation, and wildlife. SO I'm pretty darn sure that it can be done again. And in 30-50-100 years, everyone will be thankful that they had the access... except for maybe a few exclusionary "enviros" like johndavidjr and Manning.
  12. In ref to my last post, check this out. http://www.adn.com/news/alaska/story/457854.html http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/local/369838_denali08.html
  13. Open the road and let the people in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But keep all the Nodders out.
  14. Sadly, another name will be added to the memorial...
  15. Nice report and all, but did you adhere to the 4 principles of mountaineering according to Trad_Guy?
  16. Open the road!! Let the public back in.
  17. So what is in the water down in Oregon?
  18. Ok, both pairs of down pants sold, and so did the Feathered Friends sleeping bag. The North Face TENT is still up for sale. Drop a PM, it's a great tent, brand new.
  19. I'm having fun FW (rev'd Wright), that photo indicates you two aren't. Edits are a part of life. Are you whining about that too (as you edit your own posts)?
  20. Dude, I was pulling down at Tieton today. What were you doing? Unfortunately you may be right. Parking is already limited enough at paradise. If this is permanent it sucks ass. And it makes me want to demand services from the park (open up the West Side Road like in the old days, for example) if you want my sympathy and support for (under)funding. Maybe it was this noise that sounded f-d up... And the conspiracy thing does sound like issues... And the photo backs it up. Aren't you into the debate FW? Or do you think everyone should just roll w/ this hogwash? I know that you think for yourself.
  21. KKK, thanks for the and photo and chuckles. You're so easy to irritate and frustrate, amusing. You never answered the important question that seemed to initiate your rant. Did YOU get a parking spot? Or are you just taking this time to be whine, complain and hopefully ignite someone else to agree w/ your lopsided rant? Note that I don't even disagree w/ your premise that a significantly compromised parking situation (over the long-term, not the short term during the construction process) or a compromised access or climbing permit situation might be an issue of serious concern. But that's just not happening here. You just seem to be complaining and I'm calling you out on it. Also, are you actually angry enough to sit there in that cold ice box of a hut at Camp Muir after hiking 4.5K feet only to flip off your cameraman (or maybe you're the cameraman and FW is the subject?) From the looks of this everyone, I recommend visiting Camp Muir on Saturday (see previous posts) as it's obviously much mellower and user friendly. From FW and KKK's position, visiting Camp Muir on "Sunday" will only get you some pasty white dude who is so angry he has to take a pic of it. Really though, I hope you can find a parking spot next time you go to Paradise. If for some reason you actually CAN'T find a parking spot, maybe we'd all be curious to hear about that. And with that said, parking where you have a walk a bit doesn't count... In the meantime, keep up your conspiracy theories and self-inflated rant up so we can have fun at your silliness.
  22. Exactly. Note to any MRNP personnel watching this site: The folks who use the park will not take efforts to restrict access in such a manner lying down. When you tear down the flying saucer, use the space for parking. Those bureaucratic types better listen up, or we cc.com types are going to cook up some "greens" and other gossip, innuendo and half baked ideas about large governmental conspiracies and spray them all over the internet. Feel the fury of cc.com. :[]
  23. I picked up my version mid-day at a Game Stop... But within a few hours I was able to hook up a date, kill a few cops, steal some money, beat up some citizens, gun down some gangsters and steal a nicer car.
  24. If it is, I'll just do the American thing! You know, buy a dirt bike (or snow machine) blaze past those who don't have the wealth for such luxuries (b/c they are probably liberals who gave it all away) or are too "green" to do the cool thing. BTW, I will also have a side arm, as it's my 2nd ammendment right.
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