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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. Ya, well I already got the FVA (First Virtual Ascent)for the entire North Cascades.
  2. Sweet! I love prawns. They're tastly little insects.
  3. I'm currently shopping for a Alpine Assault Vehicle, and I have set my sights on a Toyota 4X4 Xtra Cab 4 banger with a canopy. I currently own a Lesbaru which has been a great car, and gets out and aboot just fine...but I want something that is easier to sleep in and has higher clearance. I am not a hippy, and I don't have any Annie Lennox albums, but I do own the Beatles White album. I need help choosing vanity license plates. Can you guys come up with some better ones than these? "CHSTBTR"? "FWAPDQ"? "ALPINIST"? "WNDSHRTXPRT" If at all possible, I want to avoid the problems found here.
  4. Dovals have the little "Omega Pacific" logo on the hinged side...so this effectively marks which side opens or not. Is this a new feature to the newer Dovals, or is it just hard to see that when you're trying to clip it?
  5. I like my Integral Designs Renaissance. It is just outside of the ranges you specified though: 2lbs 14oz and they rate it at 20 F / -5 C. Check one out at ProMountain Sports.
  6. I read this in a review of the Dovals on another website. I'm going with the Dovals, and I'm just going to put my "fingernail polish mark" on the opening side to address this issue.
  7. Should have used the search function before asking. Thanks Gerg.
  8. Anyone here use them? I'm thinking about getting some to rack up with. They're pretty lightweight...and a little smaller?
  9. Maybe it's your screen name?
  10. I haven't used one, but I have used the software that comes with it (MusicMatch) for a while about 6 months ago. I did not like the software...it was memory hog and constantly hung up. Hopefully it doesn't require the MusicMatch software to transfer or organize music on the device...and you could use something else. Maybe they have improved the software, but I use iTunes these days, and I've had no problem with it. Unfortunately iTunes only works with Pods.
  11. I went over and read that article in Barnes and Noble (I didn't want to buy a copy of Outside magazine for one article)....I have to conclude after reading the article that sadly Alpinist may not be long for this world, at least in its current incarnation. It sounds like Ewing (one of the founders of Redhat Linux) is more interested in racing yachts than climbing these days...so it will be interesting to see if he continues to fund a magazine that lives in the red (to the tune of something like 1.4 million $). That would be too bad, but I guess thats business. I heard it described as sort of like being the Surfers Journal for mountain climbing....it is definitely a cool magazine with a cool focus. Maybe some of it is rehashed articles that have been published elsewhere, but I like what they're doing with it, minus the serial fiction bit that I don't care for. I subscribe, but I know plenty that are turned off by the high price tag. Interesting to note that the magazine is printed in China.
  12. Spectra is in high demand right now because the military is buying it all up. You can find spectra cord online at gearexpress.com, or you may want to give Promountainsports or another local shop a call.
  13. In "This Game of Ghosts", he mentions a "guideknot" : "the knot looks safe but miraculously falls apart when an impact comes on it" I'm not sure if this is an actual knot or just a joke between guides putting themselves in the same situation as happened here everyday.
  14. As the resident "shoe salesman" I can tell you that some 5.10 shoes are just wacky that way. Not all, however, because I have another pair of 5.10s in 44.5 that actually fit me. If you find a buyer for your shoes, ask them if they want a pair of sweet T-rocks climbing shoes that I have here.
  15. That is sad. I was just reading a Joe Simpson book of how he hated guiding for this very reason. He mentioned a "guide knot" which looks good but came undone if it took any load.
  16. Ditto the "size 11" NOT 5.10 T-Rocks I have which are probably more like 9.5-10.
  17. Check out the Black Bear Diner in Madras, OR. They have a nice selection of velcro mittens. Look for them next time you're headed to Smith.
  18. Oh ya....well it's better looking than the bal-muvo!
  19. Let me right some wrongs by posting a picture of a cute waif:
  20. Fairweather, if yee be Captain, then we be boarding yee ship and taking yee pieces of eight! Arrrggggghhh!
  21. Or my highschool year book when they airbrushed zits off this girl's face.
  22. This is an outrage! We should invade France (where ever that is) and restore her freedoms immediately!!
  23. Tick facts Apparently it is variable, the longer it feeds, the greater the chance for infection. I still have nice scar from one of these little bastards.
  24. olyclimber

    Gym Climbers

    It's sort of like calling yourself a gluesniffer, but all you huff is non-toxic wood glue. Sure...you're sniffing glue, but you're missing out one of the truely great things about sniffing glue. Maybe that wood glue is ok...but those who have had the real stuff know the difference.
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