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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. Or with Saddam Hussien's Republican Guard. But are you sure they're commies? If they were commies then they would be all about sharing the road, comrade. Instead of a market driven traffic flow.
  2. If you really want to be cool, run menuetos and write your own spray machine in assembly. I'm posting this from blackhole, by the way.
  3. at least we can count on the libertarians driving skillz.
  4. I'll see you at the picnic. I found a gangsta rap karaoke cd.
  5. I rigged up this multi-media screamer in my car so I can spray, talk to my commie friends on my cellphone, and drive at the same time. I use lynx for a browser, btw.
  6. olyclimber

    Anonymous folks

    The romance continues.
  7. This is a the "Acceptance" phase of the program. Move along.
  8. olyclimber

    Anonymous folks

    so, making the moves on dru, eh? we needed a new soap opera here since windshirts became passe
  9. How do you write this self changing posts, anyway? Is that some sort of "Cobra Power"?
  10. olyclimber

    Anonymous folks

    I usually just log on anonymously, but this thread has made me feel weak and ashamed for doing so. Therefore I now proudly cast aside my cowardly secrecy and stand next to the likes of "mec", "tomtom" and "Dr_Flash_Amazing" and say to the world, I AM "REDOUBT." Are you sure you're not all four?
  11. olyclimber

    Anonymous folks

    Yes, you'll still be "pure". Don't worry.
  12. there's still a little on your lip.
  13. olyclimber

    Anonymous folks

    Its just the machines busy preserving what we say for use against us in the future.
  14. who is buying?
  15. i'm hungery.
  16. If you have a firewall on your system that allows you to control outbound (not just inbound) traffic, then you could just shut that port down I suppose. But is does seem like a pretty weak way to implement copyright protection. Speaking of which, I bought a CD the other day and it had copyprotection on it. I was going to return it, but the CD store wouldn't take back my opened CD. So I wrote the CD manufacturers, and they said to copy the CD to my harddrive with licensing using Windows Media Player (.wma). Then use Media Player to burn a CD. Then used the burned CD to import as MP3s via iTunes. What a crackerjack solution.
  17. olyclimber

    Snaffle Gadgets!

    Is that a giant dinosaur bone?
  18. olyclimber


    Holy appropriation, Batman!
  19. Is this where seven eight nine?
  20. Karoake. Death by Karoake.
  21. So, our showdown at the picnic is off?
  22. Poopfest does sound less commerical, but I'm horrified as to what they have done to the South Tacoma ecosystem. That mattress was the happy home of a whole host of insects and small furry rodents, and this environmentally challenged duo has thoughtlessly removed their habitat.
  23. Sorry, but Layton already has the FA.
  24. Ya, thats me. But you know that I'm taken, so get over it.
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