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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. damn. this one is even wierder! polish bob would want you to know.... this isn't work safe.
  2. After the operation, I found it hard to find cloths that fit. Luckily, I found this white vest that fits perfect.
  3. AAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSMONKEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. Hey did you guys know that speed climbing was actual sport? Checkout this website!
  5. Truth is a cliche!
  6. I'm interested to see what Harry Pi has to say about all this. We need some ancient oriental wisdom here.
  7. Is there any need to support this site financially outside of the sponsoring companies? I see that there is supposed to be a link on the front page for donating, but there is no link there (i.e. click here). I assume this is just one more thing that yall need to fix when you find the time to...but let me know if it would help if I pitched in a few dollars in before hand. Especially if I get one of those super secret CC.com stickers that get you out of speeding tickets with the WSP.
  8. She's been tranquilized till they get her to the altar.
  9. Or squid will attack, you don't want that!
  10. Actually, the site has been well (perhaps over) advertised. Bring your singing voice, I'll bring the camera.
  11. sloop, there it is.
  12. sloop. next wednesday. let the haggling begin.
  13. only suggestion is to propose a place and time, and then let the thread be consumed with 15 pages of people haggling over the details.
  14. olyclimber

    Modern Lovers

    cute! what a cuddly little stalker, hunting down tidbits about me on the Information Superhighway.
  15. ya, but the sentence structure could use some work.
  16. !!!!!
  17. sick
  18. We need a to get shortbus up there and do some Advanced Designated Driving.
  19. heres one for you
  20. olyclimber

    Modern Lovers

    I wear a tin foil hat and say 7 hail marys before I go to bed every night. But somehow those pics still end up on the internet.
  21. We need you to organize one. Are you good at planning weddings?
  22. Recent information has lead me to believe that archenemy is actually Angelina Jolie.
  23. But were you wearing neon spandex with logos all over it?
  24. I believe the Alpinistic Fox from Olympia was just noting that there are not rules in climbing, but rather etiquette. And wouldn't it be nice if we all followed etiquette. But then, not all of us know which fork to use when. Perhaps some people have learned in this thread? I know I have.
  25. Here is one indication.
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