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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. What knocks me down is the razor sharp wit coming from a kid. Keep it coming Jr.
  2. 3. Retarded
  3. Amazing Top Ten comeback, kid. Did you get that out of a box of Cracker Jacks?
  4. I think Cramps maybe better focus on graduating from Jr. High first.
  5. Link addict. I'm not clicking it. Hows that for ya.
  6. i'm sooooo clever
  7. Link
  8. The sense of power and control over your own fate is amazing. try it.
  9. olyclimber


    there, there Squid. being a sensitive guy with a falsetto gets the chicks. just ask Cobra Commander.
  10. I imagine that I'm the pilot and that I'm flying the plane whenever I fly. I make airplane noises, and pretend like I'm moving the joystick around and stuff and talk to the person next to me like they are the co-pilot. So far its working, I haven't been on a plane that wrecked. However, there was a close call in Milan one time. But I blame that on the guy that was sitting next to me...I had turned the controls over to him when I went to the john. The idiot didn't even apologize for almost wrecking the plane.
  11. You used pro for this climb? I just carried the rope for the extra wieght.
  12. olyclimber


    The Link Master. Linkereeno. Linkarama.
  13. Brazil. the Brothers Grimm looks like it could be interesting (also by Gilliam)
  14. Not necessarily true. Peter Puget posted a link to a news story that disproves this theory.
  15. I had a sickly dread, too, of being ridiculous, and so had a slavish passion for the conventional in everything external.
  16. g'night, you bitches of cc.com
  17. and it wasn't a FWA up there either, my ho. one and possibly two did it before us.
  18. that's not E-rock in the picture?
  19. olyclimber

    I've Got...

    bend over! archenema is come'n for ya!
  20. you went to college, ankle biter?
  21. bitches, my hands are get'n carpal tunnel
  22. Yeeeeeehaawww!!!
  23. olyclimber

    I've Got...

    there is no order. but there is The Brotherhood.
  24. dru, i really didn't need to see that picture of you.
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