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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. super sweet shizzy Sir Layton! thanks.
  2. a five pronged attack
  3. nice harem of midgets you got there.
  4. nothing like a gentle anal probe for a few yucks
  5. Somebodys getting the pages bottom. Just call me the proctologist of CC.com.
  6. or the finger of fun
  7. thanks for sharing your experience. we're all living vicariously through you.
  8. Like when you could get your pecker up, MisterE?
  9. olyclimber


    you have keen eye.
  10. olyclimber


    ok, i can take 50 messages now. not eveyone at once.
  11. olyclimber


    damn, i just emptied it!
  12. dork!
  13. We cannot proceed. Post already exists.
  14. "You spray more and you get more"
  15. MisterE!!!!!!!!!!!!! Come on you Spray Hussy! Sling it!
  16. How do you solve a problem like Maria?
  17. Nice story...great first post!
  18. Give a million monkeys typewriters for a thousand years and they could not make as many grammar/speeling errors as I can.
  19. Her heart takes flight. I can't believe I've got front row tickets to this action.
  20. I never thought I'd see genuine affection on this board until now. Precious.
  21. Damn it! There is no link here!
  22. Crampon, crampoff, the crapper. Jr. High was a great time.
  23. Keep it coming. Is the ritalin wearing off?
  24. Exhibit C. bottom
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