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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. Sorry dudes, your proj was sent two weekends ago:
  2. not necessarily dave. try to use your head for something other than a hatrack! he could be young and fat. THINK!
  3. Sorry, that was me. I actually did give birth. And ya, I don't know how to climb, but I'm not letting that stop me. Its my dream to someday wear off this Sporto tag and ascend to Tradmaster. ....WAIT a minute..... GARY!!! Its you? This isn't your style!
  4. the pope, a prostitute, and a donkey walk into a bar...
  5. Ulee, me, and tommyandbeth.com will be there. Maybe Sky will show up and you see a real skiing rockstar. SEND!!!
  6. hands out of pants fox!
  7. Look closely...the book she is reading is Dianetics:
  8. you're crazy sky! i mean that in a good way. awesome....24 hrs liberty ridge! and you're still hungery? damn.
  9. nice work, thank for posting!
  10. there is a picnic on thursday
  11. olyclimber

    May Day!

    looks like the weather is improving right into the weekend.
  12. ok, how about just a little help building the wall
  13. when you come over and help me build this outdoor climbing wall for ulee we can rebuilt it. you can tell me what to do, and i'll monkeywrench. sounds like a dream, doesn't it?
  14. btw, i'm just making this stuff up. i don't know anything about VWs....its probably oil cooled or not cool at all or something.
  15. 79 Transporter is air cooled, it also has the largest engine (2.0) and is the last year they made a bus. 80 is when they stopped the bus and went with the vanagon.
  16. I was out smelling the insides of the van, as it has been sitting since we made it back to Seattle a couple of years ago (I seriously did not think it would make it back, and it stopped running after I did get back). It smell yummy...we've been using it as a storage bin, and all gets cooked up in the hot sun. I need to get that thing running...anyone have a rebuilt 2.0 motor for a 79 VW lying around?
  17. I actually put a carbon fiber racing johnson rod and replaced all the bushings...it probably just needed a ring job, but it broke down just before moab at the start of the vaction and i didn't want to ruin it (my vacation) so I just filled i up with super engine glue and put in oil everytime I stopped for gas. in fact, i may be the reason there is now an oil shortage....its all over the road beween here and the moonflower camping area.
  18. Decriminalizing drugs in small quantities in Mexico: http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/national/268442_mexico29.html
  19. it has a bunch of that "seal up the car so you can drive 200 more miles stuff" in it
  20. i'd rather not drive so far...if the weather is nice, we'll probably go up to Leavenworth again. but we'd be up for a 3 day trip to Smith sometime for sure. SKULL HOLLLLOOOOWWWW!!!
  21. when you get done I have a VW bus that needs its engine rebuilt
  22. what about when I fail the lead test in the climbing gym?
  23. ya...not a big deal. the president of the united states gets roasted in person like that everyday.
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