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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. reminds of the the practice of carving your route info into a rock and leaving in at the base of the climb that was done down at Indian Creek...till someone decided to go smash all the carved rocks.
  2. olyclimber

    trader joes

    psssstttt!! my record for expense for one shopping trip to trader joes is well over $300. you're going to need to be a little more lavicious to keep up. have you tried the chocolate pudding, those little british scone thingers that you throw in the toaster, or the gyozas? lots of good stuff there.
  3. Ok Here's a hillary post Better? damn that is better than angelina and britney. hawt!!!
  4. the animals are crying!!!!!
  5. I'm in that club. They were over tonight climbing at my house with my son.
  6. I just thought I'd take this opportunity to say, I love Olympia!
  7. Ya, like the whole rest of the group? haven't you heard the story of the apple and the snake Matt?
  8. where its at
  9. The word you are looking for there is composed not comprised. Thank you for allow grammar police to post on idiot website. THATS EXACTLY HOW SHE SAID IT, DWEEB!!! I was just doing honest reporting...I am NOT the liberal media obivously. AND GUESS WHAT!!! I JUST SPELLED A WORD WRONG, AND I DON'T CARE!!!!! ok?
  10. Yes, as soon as I put my pants back on.
  11. OK...I was just told a story by a woman who, about 10 years ago was in her early 20s, and joined the Seattle Mounties. She said the group she was in was almost totally comprised of guys in their 50s. Apparently they were on a hike, and had to cross a stream, and the leader of the hike elected to take off his pants and his underwear for the crossing. He was the only one in the group to do this, and everyone thought it was pretty odd. I wonder if it was this guy:
  12. ya, that article was so cool....you can't really be "core" unless you can boulder a 5.13R 45 foot route. the lot of you are posers unless you're pushing limits like that.
  13. try feeling facet instead
  14. I thought you were the queen of diamonds?
  15. I want to be counted as dual core, 64 bit, with 4 gigs of RAM and a SATA array.
  16. somewhere in the world, paint is drying.
  17. I'm loosing interest in this thread.
  18. where are teh pics?
  19. thanks for keeping track of these important events
  20. I'm sorry, that isn't good enough Peter. I need to see the supporting data. One thing to consider is that because people post on here, you hear about the accidents. We may not hear about all the accidents had by people who don't post on here, because they don't post on here. So lets see your data, and I'll nitpick it till you lose interest in the discussion. Anyway, I can't believe you guys are talking about this instead of posting pictures of Mounties. It is the gaiters without a patch of snow in sight, the pack with 110 essentials for going to the crag, the legendary Mountie style that I pine for. Are the good old days of cc.com behind us? I'm going to get a latte and hang in Cafe Sensitivisio.
  21. Its gotta be a long time to heal a femur. I broke mine when I was 5 or so and was in a big cast for like 6 months or something, and that age should be when bones heal faster I would think. Of course, it depends on the break though.
  22. what was the joke?
  23. You guys are dead set on not having a serious conversation, aren't you?
  24. Or it could just be that people here enjoy wanking in general.
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