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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. Is now functioning.
  2. How much is Gut Magazine paying you for this promotion?
  3. it is get with the program.
  4. chewy or crunchy bacon?
  5. i live for the danger of raising my son
  6. [whine] THAT HOLD IS OFF! [/whine]
  7. I asked the Internet, and this is what some random person thinks: "Both ‘Spectra’ and ‘Dyneema’ are HDPE (High Density Polyethylene) fibres. However, Dyneema (Manufactured in Europe and Asia by Toyobo/Dyneema, DMS), is recognized as being of a slightly ‘lower quality’ than the American version "Spectra". (The quality of Dyneema generally is very good). Also, the individual filaments that make up a Dyneema yarn are smaller than individual fibres in a spectra yarn; this translates to better abrasion resistance." I should warn you that the Internet has been wrong before.
  8. olyclimber

    trader joes

  9. would add 1 subscription to Gut magazine to ingredients list also add one container of sour cream, cheese, and wash it down with a four pack of redbulls.
  10. come now, I can do that with a 7 line batch.
  11. damn, thats a hell of a way to go.
  12. i'm the decider and i decide the limits of lameness
  13. don't hate the player, hate the game
  14. move over bacon....make way for something meatier.
  15. I should have known you'd have a bacon growing operation, Off.
  16. Awesome pictures Blake. I really like this one:
  17. Sweet! Nice work guys.
  18. olyclimber

    trader joes

    Matey, they say they be Traders, but with their low prices and excellent selection of world foods they must be raping and pillaging merchant ships.
  19. "scuttlebutt and rumor bongering" you are not alone
  20. olyclimber


    WHA HAPPEN?????
  21. hope you heal up fast and well gene.
  22. olyclimber


    you guys are disgusting. where are your manners???!!!!
  23. damn that sucks. hope he mends up ok.
  24. looks like fun mtngirl. ulee would like to crush up there for sure.
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