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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. Linus and I are tight too.
  2. Sweet climb Off. We should go climb sometime. Is this also a picture from the trip, or was this the trip before last?
  3. Animated gifs are sweeping the area!
  4. i made this with vi about 20 years ago
  5. the gimp is in Sky's basement, under the floorboards, in a deep pit.
  6. you're pretty good at guessing ages there slothrop
  7. You can check out some pretty good pictures of the face they climbed here (from a previous attempt by jed): http://59a2.org/hayes/200605/
  8. but....
  9. Prolly because I'm such a newb, but this link up is by far the funnest thing I've done to date. What is better?
  10. OK that wasn't too funny. But since it stuck in your mind, I'll take it that it was memorable, even if it did suck.
  11. 2.1843223426570237012384202 to be exact, but it doesn't really matter. Just hike up the path of least resistance.
  13. Actually, what I found is that the Portland Police Department needs to break out the weapons and start busting down doors and shooting people. The general population down there isn't afraid enough without adaquate police supervision, and all of them should be considered highly dangerous.
  14. If we time it right (and I don't know that there is a particular hurry, though I could be wrong) we could do this as a part of the CC.com Ropeup. Might as well have an uber event. Last year Ropeup was fun...in fact it spawned many mythological stories. We've got to top it somehow, and and already I can see some cool potentials for slideshows from some people who have done some cool climbs and or skiing this year. It would be good to see all of you too. I'm definitely in for helping put on the Ropeup again this year. Just something to consider....
  15. Its actually a stack of napkins and fedex boxes.
  16. Well, the Sonics were the only pro mens team (out of baseball, football, and basketball at least) to have won a national title. I remember as a kid listening to all the games that year on the radio...1979....Gus Williams, Jack Sikma, Downtown Freddie Brown (who I was a co-worker with at the Bank of America), Dennis Johnson, Paul Silas, Wally Walker, another player with the last name Johnson, and Coach Lenny Wilkens. It was pretty cool. Of course, this whole reneging on a signed lease B.S. is just stupid. But that is just business. I've gone to a few games in the past 10 years, but for the most part they are too expensive for even the nosebleed seats. Pro sports in general is so overblown with the dollars it is sick.
  17. OK...so that link is interesting
  18. Is the the link between posting random links on bulletin boards and masterbation????? OMG! INTERESTING!!!!
  19. so is Oprah gay or what?????
  20. Yes, it was Doorish I was thinking of.
  21. Nice work Colin looks good
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