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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. olyclimber

    for CBS

    "I thought my "friends" would enjoy a third, and indeed they did. The fourth just sent them over the top." Olyclimber Seattle, WA
  2. I can't either.
  3. "abs"...is that what the current lingo is for the lingam?
  4. the Nightmare Needles! ya...just across from the Flagpole group.
  5. that's Sky and Ross's ski descent. My via ferrata plans are much more direct.
  6. and pirate treasure
  7. try it with socks next time, it will probably be way more comfortable
  8. sweet pictures! how did you photoshop that girl into the pics? it looks totally realistic.
  9. ancient legend tells of pirate treasure at its base
  10. amen, bro. i ended up sick and stayed home all weekend. those needles look pretty nice...
  11. olyclimber

    for CBS

    dog balls
  12. Nice pictures! That bear does look very brown.
  13. nice pics. what routes did you do?
  14. The original objective? Some info about the Needles...
  15. sweet, eye'd clark on a hike a few years back (we camped on that big boulder next to the tarn). pic from that trip:
  16. I have an enormous crayon, should it become necessary. How hard was it? C1 or less? Could a highly motivated party free this shizzle?
  17. olyclimber

    Dear moron,

    Listen up, all you bitches, I'll tell you a tale about rags to riches.
  18. buy Marshall's subie that is for sale in the garage sale section
  19. he was probably speeding home to buy his sweetheart some candy
  20. There is no way that is real. I'm checking snopes (and doing some google image searches)
  21. olyclimber


    thats hotcarl
  22. olyclimber


    kicked the computer under my desk over.
  23. Is that your "Coach-like" encampment in the parking lot?
  24. cool photos as usual john.
  25. there is no doubt to the orientation there. GAYDAR meter is pegged.
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