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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. I would just like to point out that ivan is pretty consistent. Hey Kurt....do you remember some of those Statements of Truth you made to us the last time the Hansel and Pax and I were visiting? I think a few might even be documented in your guest book. Check it out.
  2. olyclimber

    Chillout Music

    I second this shizzle.
  3. Heck just wait till lil Miss Distelhorst gets her mitts on some rock. The cool thing about kids is they climb out of the box pretty well. My son has much better technique than me.
  4. olyclimber


  5. olyclimber

    Chillout Music

    i heard a couple songs on teh radio
  6. http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/sports/2003149170_websoccer24.html
  7. sweet... http://students.washington.edu/mwschmit/hgate/index.ht
  8. using Google's revolutionary new calculator, i determined that you'd need to be going 94.15467564 miles per hour. teh calculator of teh internets
  9. This was obviously an act of domestic terrorism.
  10. well, not at the same time.
  11. or Heaven's Gate? i don't know..
  12. is that Lamplighter? its to the left of Davis Holland/L.A.
  13. you bawl like the baby in Eraserhead
  14. i just figgered out this here google internets. stuff is confusin!??
  15. debbie downer. nice to have if you don't have access to a computer terminal and are about to enter the mess.
  16. sweet http://today.reuters.com/news/newsArticl...GLE-TRAFFIC.xml
  17. with a little camera tilt that lawn could make a great place to practice self arrest.
  18. was this from today? seems a little warm to be wearing the puffies. this could be a even more bizarre initiation ritual then the forced wearing of gators with no snow in sight.
  19. The Tacoma Narrows. Excellent name for a new NBA franchise for when Tacoma becomes the center of the known universe.
  20. there is no relationship between a strong enconomy and a good transportation system. that has been proven time and time again historically, but then history is a liberal art. yeah, lets get rid of the viaduct. maybe build some moats around our infrastructure to protect it from evil doers too.
  21. Tacoma is poised to take over the world!
  22. you mean the movie is gay, or did you know someone named "starwars"? i've never watched star wars that closely to see if it was a gay movie...chewie and hans solo?
  23. better living through chemistry....it was definitely a much more exciting race this year.
  24. olyclimber

    Chillout Music

    like elevator good?
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