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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. ya, i suppose those glaciers are melting because its getting colder thanks for the info slaphappy, sounds like it is worth a trip.
  2. olyclimber

    Chillout Music

    chillen like a villan
  3. Hell yah!!!! w00t! w00t! w00t! welcome back Kurt.
  4. its bigger than that...i know plenty of small towns in Washington that have gone up pretty dramatically in the past 5 years. seems that many of those towns must be bouyed people in CA selling their homes at insanely inflated rates and then buying in small town Washington and retiring...I know it would be hard to buy a house with the average working person's income in some of those towns.
  5. I think we may need to require drug testing before you can post on cascadeclimbers.com next year.
  6. just look at how Vancouver collapsed after losing the Grizzlies! Ya, it would/will suck, but I'd rather have a basic mass transportation system than a sports team if I had to choose between the two.
  7. olyclimber

    World Class?

    I don't think so. World class traffic problems do not a world class city make. I don't need a pro basketball team...what I need is a modern transit system that doesn't get stuck in traffic. Light rail is a start, but until it links the whole city up, it is just a one line train. For me rejecting the Sonics is just voting about where I want my financial interest focused on...on a transit system, not a sports team. http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/local/278505_goodriddance22.html
  8. Wow matt!! Sounds like quite an adventure! I definitely want to get out there with you, but when that happens lets stick to the more classic, less dirty routes I'm finally finishing this class that I waited till the last second to work on, hopefully Darrington will still be there when I finish.
  9. i think he was just cynically noting the sense of entitlement that some people have....yet I can't help but think that all this energy coming from jay is because he feels his own sense of entitlement to live here. He is hoping for a big market correction so that he can afford a house, and then once he is in then let the fools continue on their borrowing and overspending and pricing eveyone else out of the market. I for one hope he can afford to move back here and buy a house...I'd hate to see him lost to the evil east coast!
  10. ya, saw your picture in the gallery and am inspired to go check the middle wall out. looks like a few good climbs and some escape from the heat could be had up there.
  11. Is is possible to set up a top rope on Keiths crack from an easier route? Has anyone done this one lately? Is it clean? Perhaps with global warming the cooler middle wall will see more traffic?
  12. C4s are on sale too http://www.mountaingear.com/pages/produc...item/626001/N/0
  13. congratulations luke! she have a name yet?
  14. there apparently is some trekking pole up there on the glacier...depends when you lost it if it is your.
  15. No more going to the dark side with your flying saucer eyes No more falling down a wormhole that I have to pull you out Welcome back Erik. Lets go climbing.
  16. take a look next time you're up there...it just looks like someone was practicing placing a head.
  17. You're hopelessly hopeless I hope so, for you
  18. so who pasted in the copperhead to the left of the start of Green Drag-on on UTW about 6 feet off the ground? Bad form or a visionary new route?
  19. olyclimber

    Chillout Music

    so basically, he's like that 'Nilla Ice dude?
  20. How often do you see Aliens on sale? https://www.mountaingear.com/pages/produ...item/902430/N/0 Of course, the best sizes are gone though (except for the grey, which is in between red and yellow )...
  21. olyclimber

    Talking Shit

    Oh noose tied myself in, tied myself too tight Looking kind of anxious in your cross armed stance Like a bad tempered prom queen at a homecoming dance And I claim I'm not excited with my life anymore So I blame this town, this job, these friends The truth is it's myself And I'm trying to understand myself And pinpoint where I am By the time I get things figured out I've change the whole damn plan Oh noose tied myself in, tied myself too tight Talking shit about a pretty sunset Blanketing opinions that i'll probably regret soon I've changed my mind so much I can't even trust it My mind changed me so much I can't even trust myself
  22. Hit us with it Tony.
  23. Before investing in them, be sure you'll actually use them. Don't buy any dimpled aliens , but other than that I think they both have their merits. I don't have any C3s, but if I was buying some gear in that size I would probably give them a go. As it is, I have it covered pretty well in aliens. I don't see reason to go C3s, especially since it would cost me a pretty penny. I think the aliens go smaller than the C3s.
  24. So are you saying that BD isn't adaquately testing their cams? I have the bigger C4s and they don't seem suspect to me, and I think I have a grasp on basic physics. What is your claim, do you see a faulty design?
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