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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. if you have health insurance, I'd say its worth a trip. you can always just use the visit as a "checkup visit" and doc can make sure you don't have a hernia and stuff.
  2. Is there any interest? I have a 5 year old son who cranks and loves to go wilding, so if we can put together a few folks with kids we could all hang out. Last year seemed to be pretty fun for both the kids and the parents.
  3. Who is organizing the Kids Ropeup this year? Last year was really fun, it would be great to do it again. http://www.cascadeclimbers.com/threadz/showflat.php/Cat/0/Number/487907/page/0/fpart/1/vc/1
  4. well, do they have any good meth labs over there leaking into the river?
  5. did you bring a water filter or are you enjoying the local flavor?
  6. bathing in poo doesn't sound hygenic to me.
  7. you're speaking my language!
  8. olyclimber


    I'll have to switch to whatever you're drinking, that sounds way more accurate, though I think there was more swearing involved.
  9. so wetsuits in california? i though global warming made the water basically like the bahamas down there.
  10. I fully expect you to pick me up a nice memento.
  11. btw mike, you should probably blow your cookies. perhaps that is why that is happening...it will set it so it looks like you haven't view shizzle, but then after that will work probably.
  12. how many pullups can you do?
  13. I won't be able to make Drytool Fest this week.
  14. huh? I thought he was bathing in his element.
  15. i have a rocpec you can borrow. you'll need to supply the bits though.
  16. I'm going to make it through this one. I've got big plans for establishing a theocracy based on concepts found in Freedom of the Hills.
  17. I was flying the middle one. Afterwards we took that thing out and scared the people on the Bainbridge Island ferry by pretending to strafe them.
  18. also, for you they may need a DNA sample before you cross over. Also, they'll be checking to see if you're really fixed or not.
  19. olyclimber

    The strategy is?

    Fighting Intensifies as Cease-Fire Nears "Fighting in Lebanon increases sharply as both Israel and Hezbollah seek to inflict maximum damage before cease-fire. " watch out! peace is coming, and it isn't going to be pretty!
  20. Damn!!! That looks like an awesome place to spend some time. The shotgun/clearcut picture is priceless.
  21. OMG! I fixed the link, which was apparently broken!
  23. Here is a screen capture of the app so far:
  24. this isn't the Official Ropeup Thread. I'm working on that thread right now, its going to be written in Farsi using Javascript and XML. It will be the next "killer app" of the interwebs. Its ok if you want to talk about Smith here, details on that one will be coming out pretty soon I think. But Ropeup will be October 6-8 at Chattercreek in the Icicle. Hopefully someone will show up and help me drink the beer. Then we can take the clownpunch rodeo down to Smiff.
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