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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. wow...their processing to crunch it down totally mangled it. GARY YGNVE PLEASE HELP!
  2. OMG, look what I found on YouTube!!! LOLzers!
  3. Ya, i haven't worried about teaching Ulee too much...I just set up a top rop and let him climb. He climbed a 5.8 route earlier this year with only a little help out at in the tumwater canyon. I'll probably hold off on him leading until he is 6.
  4. So, I just don't get why anyone would ever drive all the way to Idaho when we have rocks here in Washington State. But...to each their own.... Nice pictures John Frieh. The climbing doesn't look half bad there.
  5. aaaahhhh....the Cougs....the only college team that has a name that is synonymous with screwing up at the last second.. "I Coug'd it again!".
  6. it would have been cooler if he had eaten the cougar for dessert, or at least let her spend the night
  8. DAMN! That off stuff has me salivating.
  9. Good jorb on this climbing stuff! I'm almost done with my class, then lets go climb Argonaut dammit.
  10. Any interest? Other peeps with kids (especially around 5) that would be interested in a weekend of climbing/camping up in the Icicle? Or we could camp on the river at Index with Coach and have the kids ropegun thin fingers. Prolly better to go to Leavenworth though...gonna go up sometime mid-Sept, so let me know if you and your spawn want to join us.
  11. I partied with Sky, Ross, and Alpinfox last night, and they basically guaranteed this thing is going to be off the hook. Sky is bringing his harem. (ya, i'm a name dropper)
  12. There may be one more lessoned to be learned in this thread. That of the Almighty Meatsack, and its associated numerology.
  13. a long time ago one of my older brothers was out hunting duck with his dog (out by Forks) and his dog got into it with a cougar. he had this shotgun that would fall apart whenever you shot it, and his dog was losing the fight so he shot the cougar, which only pissed it off and it started coming at him as he tried to put the shotgun back together. it was just a few feet from him when he managed to get it back together, and he dispatch the puss. he brought the thing back to house, and they put it in the living room. later that night they tied a string to its foot and when my mom walked in they made it move like it was still alive, causing my mom to drop dinner on the floor (a hilarious result!). It was a pretty big cat, my bro had it made into this big rug (with the head intact, baring its teeth at you) that we had in the family for about 25 years before someone stole it from his house.
  14. the fiction is stranger than truth
  15. I like how you're avoiding using the word "cougar". Meow. I saw a mountain cat right out by our house in Quilcene when we lived there, nearly hit it...it ran right out in front of the car.
  16. ...over doing it....you're gonna blow it!
  17. olyclimber

    The strategy is?

    I think with my gut, the world is my light switch beeyotch!
  18. thats odds
  19. is the lake still there?
  20. i think i saw a tree in one of those pictures.
  21. Terminal Gravity will be there.
  22. Starts in 30 minutes.
  23. change in plans, it will be the weekend of Oct 13 and 14 instead at a campground in Icicle Creek to be named later. Yeah!!! Friday the 13th!!!! And the CC.com Special Olympics will have some good prizes too, so keep tuned. Contests we're thinking of: -fastest to jug a fixed rope with a pack on -total pull ups all events will require consumption to be considered valid.
  24. another thing you can do is either use leeches to suck the bad blood out, or just drain it out via strategic cuts. either that, or go visit a medical professional.
  25. Anyone up there this afternoon?
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