""The survival of the United States of America as we know it is at risk," Gore said in a speech during an energy conference in Washington. "The future of human civilization is at stake."
Gore, who was Bill Clinton's vice president, called for the kind of concerted national effort that enabled Americans to walk on the moon almost 39 years ago..."
You disagree with this?!
Hmmm...Walking on the Moon was a waste of time and money...Sooo, Algore wants us to waste more time and money?
The irony is that if it were Bush making the exact same declaration and challenge, Canyonsmeller would be applauding him for his brilliance, vision, and sensible stewardship of the environment balanced with a keen understanding of the need for continued economic growth.
i believe bush was calling for us to head to mars, but that may have just been to distract us from some going wrong or something. never saw any money thrown at it or anything.