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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. prove it
  2. we used to watch the Seattle fireworks shows from the top of Mount Walker, just south of Quilcene. on a clear 4th it is an awesome way to view the light show...you could take in both the Lake Union and Elliot Bay displays. of course while there is a way to hike up there, the easiest way to get there is to drive all the way to the summit, so probably not what you're thinking of :[] many of the eastern oly mountains would probably be good though...brothers, constance, townsend, zion (or maybe zion doesn't have the prefect view of seattle)
  3. as if you were the act!
  4. f'ing awesome. this is why i'm here. someday i hope to have my ten days. thanks!
  5. try not to enjoy it too much
  6. awesome! thanks for the TR, would love to see more photos.
  7. the eric simonson video for how to climb mt rainier clearly states to rush past the gap. get'r done folks.
  8. i'm glad we worked this all out and there will be no disagreements going forward. now i want to talk about a shitter at Index, because today i could have used one.
  9. i've got a landmark chubby
  10. in Dullus i recommend eating a lot of beef at one of the executive cowpoke bbq places, going to see where JFK got shot, and medicinal application of large quantities of alchohol
  11. olyclimber

    funny jokes

    LldjTWx4cJQ i take it that McCain is not a diplomat either? gunboat diplomacy excluded...
  12. it seems like Obama is trying to play to the center, but i'm not sure what mccain is doing. is he actually playing to the far right? what is that crafty maverick up to? you'll all be sorry when it turns out his "stumblings" were really just baby steps to peace and prosperity.
  13. we need actual solutions people, this is a crisis. have you seen the price of eggs?????
  14. not to dogpile or anything, but you guys should be nicer to ole Raindawg. we need him looking good for the museum. we all have opinions about stuff, just none of them are as loud as dawg and pope with little to no effect. unless there are a legion of minions that i don't know about. i actually do like hearing the climbing history that he and pope know about, i wish he contributed more of that. but perhaps we are not worthy.
  15. 1. Ask Again later 2. Can Not Predict Now 3. Without a Doubt 4. Is Decidely So 5. Concentrate and Ask Again 6. My Sources Say No 7. Yes, Definitely 8. Don't Count On It 9. Signs Point to Yes 10. Better Not Tell You Now 11. Outlook Not So Good 12. Most Likely 13. Very Doubtful 14. As I See It, Yes 15. My Reply is No 16. It Is Certain 17. Yes 18. You May Rely On It 19. Outlook Good 20. Reply Hazy Try Again
  16. Hugh, we know you hate females. You don't have to go out of your way to point that out. You know love is a happy time. All throughout the universe. It's when the male part of the species goes to the female part of the species and says: "Hey, do you want to go on a date?" And then she would say: "Why yes, I'd like to go on a date." If you're LUCKY!- And then you go to a restaurant, and she gets something called A salad. And then he gets a big piece of beef, that he eats. And that to me ladies and gentlemen, is LOVE.
  17. don't forget to take the safety off before shooting your purple headed warrior
  18. so thats what you call it. you're a sick man!
  19. i don't trust anyone from scottsdale az. fake tans, fake tits, fake everything.
  20. fyi, peter gave me his account as he was sick of posting. its not him, its me.
  21. olyclimber


    and go buy something made in China http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/25628205/ just thought you might have forgotten about politics!
  22. well i think it sets off the space needle quite nicely
  23. http://www.tmz.com/2008/07/09/miss-washington-crowning-glory/ this is so awesome. i want to party with her, she seems like a nice girl next door.
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