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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. repost for conservatard pleasure: Barack Obama wears a FLAG PIN at all times. Even in the shower. Barack Obama says the PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE every time he sees an American flag. He also ends every sentence by saying, "WITH LIBERTY AND JUSTICE FOR ALL." Click here for video of Obama quietly mouthing the PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE in his sleep. A tape exists of Michelle Obama saying the PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE at a conference on PATRIOTISM. Every weekend, Barack and Michelle take their daughters HUNTING. Barack Obama is a PATRIOTIC AMERICAN. He has one HAND over his HEART at all times. He occasionally switches when one arm gets tired, which is almost never because he is STRONG. Barack Obama has the DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE tattooed on his stomach. It's upside-down, so he can read it while doing sit-ups. There's only one artist on Barack Obama's iPod: FRANCIS SCOTT KEY. Barack Obama is a DEVOUT CHRISTIAN. His favorite book is the BIBLE, which he has memorized. His name means HE WHO LOVES JESUS in the ancient language of Aramaic. He is PROUD that Jesus was an American. Barack Obama goes to church every morning. He goes to church every afternoon. He goes to church every evening. He is IN CHURCH RIGHT NOW. Barack Obama's new airplane includes a conference room, a kitchen, and a MEGACHURCH. Barack Obama's skin is the color of AMERICAN SOIL. Barack Obama buys AMERICAN STUFF. He owns a FORD, a BASEBALL TEAM, and a COMPUTER HE BUILT HIMSELF FROM AMERICAN PARTS. He travels mostly by FORKLIFT. Barack Obama says that Americans cling to GUNS and RELIGION because they are AWESOME.
  2. i'm not going to claim that i'm hugh. then you guys might think i'm really wierd!
  3. yeah. then enron et all could truely break out the corn cobs.
  4. olyclimber

    Kids Ropeup

    2 possibly 3
  5. is this thread about our nanny state?
  6. I have heard of the iphone...but what is the iiphone?
  7. i predicted every post in this thread
  8. excellent point there hugh
  9. olyclimber

    Kids Ropeup

  10. for the expedition get the biggest car camping tent you can find. assemble the biggest team legal to climb together on the mountain. spend 3 days ferrying gear up to camp muir, with intermediate camps along the way. fix ropes all the way from camp muir to the summit rim. be sure to run around shouting at the team at camp muir like a good alpha dog. everyone sleeps in the big tent and eats only their rations. the summit team should be determined from the strongest climbers. be sure to dispense advice to anyone who happens by.
  11. that says with out going
  12. i'll try sitting beside or behind it and see if that helps.
  13. i would rather go up the pass...but i much prefer the circuit the other way. plus if you stash bikes at the trailhead its a nice ride down at the end.
  14. thats the only book for me, my B-I-B-L-E
  15. i am here to take a turd on this thread.
  16. rocken. i like the way he mouthed the guitars words
  17. how far spray has fallen! actual meaningful advice?
  18. i know bill. people just don't appreciate me! :cry:
  19. olyclimber

    Kids Ropeup

    that actually sounds pretty good. who else would be down with that?
  20. i haven't clicked on the link, but is it a link to your cc.com profile?
  21. i have a #6 you can stop in West Seattle and borrow for your climb. PM if you're interested.
  22. olyclimber

    Kids Ropeup

    aug 23
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