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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. I'm glad this isn't in spray. Some idiot would have chimed in about your mom by now.
  2. what about the design results in them getting stuck more often?
  3. i don't climb with anyone unless they agree to my gear dropping ethics
  4. i see what you did there channeling winston churchill
  5. What do you have against W?
  6. olyclimber


  7. wow...yeah i'm going to pitch in more. for some reason i thought their total didn't include the matching. still a long ways to go!
  8. what the hell is this trainwreck???
  9. yeah, they like them with hair on their chests
  10. Anyone know the latest? Looks like they're going to pull it off...
  11. i see that nason is getting pimped in rock & ice as a place to check out
  12. not so weird, but oh so fun: on an open project i'm currently trying, there's a left hand side-pully teensy crimp, and the next hold for the right hand is a half pad crimp up and left of it, so it's a weird balancy dyno off of a high left foot, up and over drive-by to a decent right hand crimp and my body pendulums all the way around pivoting on the left toe and right crimp and it's about aim and then powering to hold the swing with one hand, since the left crimp becomes virtually useless once i've swung onto the right hand. whew. oh and it's overhung too, adding to the above issues. dude sorry, i sent your proj. btw, hint...don't dyno. there is a sidepull. just gaston up...its super chill.
  13. olyclimber

    Liberal Guilt

    no, chianti, fava beans, and your liver.
  14. olyclimber


    Yeah, got me pegged tubby. i'm storing up onboard food reserves for the coming apocalypse.
  15. olyclimber

    Liberal Guilt

    Fucking Yuppy The only mobility I have is downward, and i'm not young so thats not me. Besides, you're the one who mentioned Jim Bean. Stop hurting my liberal feelings!
  16. olyclimber

    Liberal Guilt

    oooooohhhhh!!! JIM BEAN BLACK??????
  17. olyclimber

    Liberal Guilt

    no minx. liberals=bad...mmmkay? what part of that don't you understand?
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