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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. KaskadskyjKozak, are you running firefox 3?
  2. i noticed it yesterday myself! it seems to be happening only in certain browsers. I'm moving this to the news section but can you post OS/browser/browser version? thanks!
  3. what OS/browser/browser version?
  4. Awesome Sol and Jens! Any chance of getting a high quality scan of that topo to share here?
  5. If you have access to large quantities (metal barrels) of libations at a discount, please PM me. I need to make the purchase. I have one tap, will most likely need to get another one of those also.
  6. well its in Icicle Canyon. There are rocks everywhere. People inevitably go climbing on them. I just realized that this is the weekend after next! Time to start getting ready.
  7. what has the link that your friend sent you that led you to be "good in that area"? was it this link???
  8. olyclimber


    and the mark of wide open permissions! -rwxrwxrwx
  9. DUDE! I already included that group. DUH! Reread my diatribe.
  10. i would add that the cool thing about CC.com (and sites like it) is that those who do share TRs not only share motivation, but also route beta, and some times even more importantly CURRENT conditions. It also gives a venue reports that don't merit an entry into a journal of record, or aren't a 5.14b crushfest...in short, routes that most of us can do.
  11. that or kev placed the ad????
  12. well i'm pretty sure a Venn diagram would explain the situation best. its true the CC.com is does not capture all (and perhaps even "much") of the new activity. I note that people such are Peter D. were accomplished climbers well before the Internet. In the end it *does* speak about why you climb whether you share the experience or not. And the venue you share it in matters too. For example, if you're angling for a sponsorship, it pays to get your name in the top rags. It gets your noticed and taken seriously by people who make decisions about who is sponsored and who is not. You can make fun of people who do this, but it is a totally proven method of getting sponsorship. Often, if you are already a sponsored climber, then this is how the sponsor choose to do the Press release, so you might not hear about it officially through any other medium (except for the AAJ or NWMJ, which specialize as "mediums of record"). A "step down" from this is posting in on the AAJ. How long has the AAJ been out? The difference is that the AAJ is only published one a year, so if you're looking for sponsorship then you better be prepared for the long road. If you're not looking for sponsorship, but just enjoy climbing new routes, but at the same time don't enjoy the internets and its associated sprayfest, then the AAJ is a great choice if you want to share the information for some reason. I would also put the NWMJ in the same group, though I know that they specifically have a slightly different focus than the AAJ as well as a different frequency. I love reading the AAJ and NWMJ, they are both great publications, I especially like looking back at old AAJs. Next is posting a TR online at a place CC.com (or the various other internet sites). CC.com really focused on the PNW, so that is even a further step down, really. If you like reading CC.com TRs, then you can see how lucky we are the people do this!!! Without people "spraying" about their climb, you have NOTHING to read. I LOVE reading TRs. That why I came to cc.com in the first place. And if the TR is an FA, all the better. But if you don't like beta, or you think that all climbing should be a personal affair, you don't need to come here. Also I can understand some people might be put off by some of the spray, but others come here because it is what it is. Finally, you can just choose to keep the your climbing to yourself and not tell anyone but perhaps friends and family. I think this is fine too! It's not me, I see the value in sharing the hype, beta, and motivation. But there is nothing wrong with this choice either. I'm sure it includes lots of great climbers, even sponsored ones, and we hear about them only because their sponsors want us to know the route got sent with their gear. In the end you either choose to "spray" about your climb through your chosen medium, or you don't. I would bet that people report their climbs to some form of media at least 75 percent if it is a significant new ascent. This number can change as reporting comes in and out of fashion. If it isn't significant the number drops WAY lower, because people just assume that it is not significant enough to report.
  13. we did the walk off to the climbers left yesterday, and couldn't recommend it if there is a rap option. had rapped into to ROTC before, we were a group of three then and couldn't remember if we used two ropes to do it. so you can reach the VW rap fine by walking over at the top of the cliff from another climb? we would have gotten lost on the way up but for the sign directing us to Midnight Rock up near the big split in half boulder!
  14. still here and still free. first person by gets them.
  15. now, now pink_chalk! i don't think those guys deserve to be called "round heads". just under a grand for Washington Climbers Coalition? Not to bad for an effort not even in this state!!! sorry i missed it (yet again), next year! i'll try to make sure those kegs don't get neglected. nice job on pulling it off yet again, john.
  16. Where is the TR??? We need some pictures! Who won?
  17. we will be hearing about that one from the paper print rags. one thing about posting your TRs first here is that it doesn't pay the bills.
  18. ah ok! now we're getting somewhere!
  19. I'm sure the people who climbed something like that, yet choose not to post about it here (or share it with the periodical of their choosing) are happy you are sharing this info in spray on cc.com! You heard it here first!!! From John Frieh! Congrats you people who freed the Thin Red Line! Thats a pretty awesome send! Congrats to John Frieh for knowing that you did it and having the first post about it on CC.com!!!!
  20. right. and we're supposed to believe that. no names. no dates. i'm thinking you imagined it in your head!
  21. well if you're going to spray for them, at least provide some details
  22. olyclimber

    The Debate

    Zod for prez http://www.zod2008.com/
  23. What is the easiest way off to Midnight Rock with a single 60m rope? (back to the base of the ledge under VW). Is there rap anchors at ROTC? Will a single 60m rap from the tree above ROTC reach the ledge?
  24. olyclimber

    Economic News

    not exactly the somber attitude these people should be presenting IMO looks like they just got done feasting on the remains of our economy
  25. olyclimber

    The Debate

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