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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. Peter, remember that wild night in Rio with Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden, Cindy McCain, Sarah Palin, and that group from the donkey appreciation convention? Those were the days. Thankfully, what happens in Rio, stays in Rio.
  2. Toko, you still going to be able to bring this?
  3. I am now convinced that she actually was experiencing a stroke in that picture. just impacted one side of her face.
  4. Well I like the idea of having some unbranded range animals in the white house, but at the same time this idea of hope is very appealing. its not gonna be easy, so i'll probably just bring a coin to toss.
  5. In spray you can read many, many informative posts about VP Canidate Sarah Palin, debate how hard Raindawg and Pope can climb, and participate in many, many pissing contests! Its fun...try it sometime!
  6. Whats done is done Senor David. There is a set of forums for these types of outbursts!!! Its called Spray. And this thread clearly belongs in Cafe Sensitivo...where I will move it shortly.
  7. [video:youtube]IDofbll86dY use the "media tag" option in the post menu (just to the right of the little camera picture)
  8. yes. we have Blake, Sol, and Kit Lewis showing first. Maybe you and Blake can partner up to show stuff?
  9. you coming down to ropeup?
  10. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/financetopics/financialcrisis/3150319/Richard-Fuld-punched-in-face-in-Lehman-Brothers-gym.html Ropeup!
  11. seals are permitted
  12. prefer you didn't, but would rather see you there than not come because of the dawgs.
  13. its not a demonstration of photochopping l33+n3$$ either
  14. olyclimber

    justice pleez

  15. nice trip, great pictures!
  16. perfect sending temps!
  17. olyclimber

    Economic News

    Duh Dru!!! Its an election year.
  18. the Obama Youth will catch you! [video:youtube]rUEQz5dltmI
  19. olyclimber

    The Debate

  20. When you move to Colorado you lose the use of your "G" key. They confiscate it at the state line. just like Sarah Palin!
  21. olyclimber

    hell yeah

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