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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. Many of the people that will use this invasion of privacy against Sarah Palin are the same people that raised hell about the federal government’s wiretapping policys which were strictly to protect the American people from future terrrorists attacks. I have had it with these liberals who are living in this fantasy world of peace and love. WAKE UP AMERICA! Liberals are destroying our country. Most people believe in working hard and earning what they want - they don’t want hand outs and dependency on the government. If you depend on the government to provide for you - remember - if they give it, they can take it away - and then what will you be left with? Socialism is right around the corner for the US and we will have 2 classes of people - the Obama Elitist types and the poor who depend on their government for health care, fuel, home loans, insurance, jobs. Which will you be?
  2. The LIBERALS are on the move, and they are desperate. Now they have illegally put SARAH’S emails on the internet. They will stop at nothing. Does that tell you something about them? They are willing to flaunt the LAWS OF THE USA in an attempt to harm SARAH. But, what they don’t realize is that such flauntings of the law, and their cruel personal attacks on her and her family are solidifying uncommitted voters and women to VOTE for THE MCCAIN-PALIN TICKET. These naive perpetrators wouldn’t be so desperate if SARAH wasn’t such a threat to them, and their deceptive, illegal, immoral ways!
  3. Definitely been a great summer in the Cascades!
  4. very nice photos...great TR.
  5. can he cure liberalism?
  6. days are getting shorter
  7. olyclimber


    of course the FDIC would pay up...but that fund is already below the mandated level right now.
  8. well even after rat downgraded it 3.5 grades, I still think it was all of that. and probably more. two big ballerz representing. for real.
  9. olyclimber


  10. Over 1/4 of this pie is gone
  11. oh yeah...that lil storm down in the Texas too.
  12. add Yemen attack to the list
  13. olyclimber


    I won't buy it either, unless Uncle Sam takes on the debt and leaves me with the equity!!
  14. that is good stuff
  15. olyclimber

    Economic News

    -450 ouch
  16. olyclimber


    he approves
  17. olyclimber


    Well it seems like Wamu is ripe to be bought (as they have been for a little while now)...but who?
  18. olyclimber


    BTW, I don't think the media is disagreeing with most of what you are saying. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/26744628/
  19. olyclimber


    So I assume you're loading up on WAMU stock right now?
  20. well anyone who isn't supporting your case must be your enemy, right? and you have a lot of them right now.
  21. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/26749280/
  22. olyclimber

    Economic News

    was thinking, glad I don't have any money in there. then I remembered that Ulee has his first savings account there, and he has been putting money into it. I went with him and opened it up about 8 months ago to help teach him about saving money. nice lesson this is will be for him if Wamu fails.
  23. olyclimber

    Economic News

    what are you...obama??? HOPE???? I call bullshit on that.
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