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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. olyclimber

    who nice

  2. you should be able to now
  3. You may need to do a one time authentication to the gallery (same logon/password as the forums). PM me if this doesn't work.
  4. you might try clearing out your cookies. do it both on the page below, but also in your browser. nice booty.
  5. olyclimber


    Dudes...its obvious where they are: (x) MORAL HIGH GROUND ---------------------- ------------------------------------------------------- "you guys" AKA "lefties" AKA "all thats wrong with everything" - the gutter
  6. So we just performed a forum upgrade and somethings have changed, as you'll find out when you poke around. We know about the following: 1. the "Past 24 hours" link is back to its previous less desirable state and includes Spray again. I'll get that hacked back in the coming days. 2. Some of the "Styles" you can choose, including the default one are a bit out of wack. I used the "Smiffy" style myself, and it seems to be fine. We'll be cleaning these up in the coming days. If you find anything amiss, you can post in this thread to let us know about it.
  7. lol...yeah we have a little work to do on the CSS. we'll get it looking pretty.
  8. can you tell me what is different?
  9. Gonna shut the board down for a little while. While we down, I want you to research Palin and Obama and see what sort of dirt you can dig up on them. Here is a website to assist you with this much needed work: http://www.google.com/
  10. ELjlwgKhlyc
  11. olyclimber

    Economic News

  12. olyclimber

    Economic News

    http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601087&sid=ao0BD9Zuhy3E&refer=home SHOOP DA WOOOOOP
  13. wow she needs to shave!
  14. I wrote a script called "Conservatard Bot". I'm busy working on the Libtard version which scoops comments from Daily Kos.
  15. i did it for the lulz
  16. you can read the rest here: http://elections.foxnews.com/2008/09/18/palins-e-mail-hacked/comment-page-2/#comments
  17. These are Obama henchmen behind this. There non stop communist style agitprop is a good window into how his adm. would govern if this crew of Trotsky-ites make it to the White House.
  18. This how the Dems work. They don’t care who they hurt or how they do it. The party that cares is such a joke. And the fact that Obama has not come out against this, while not surprising, is still disappointing. Identity theft is a major problem in this country and people have suffered horribly because of it.
  19. Being a public figure running for the office of Vice President is not an excuse for gross invasion of privacy and harrassment of family members. Typical leftist politics. Get behind? Terrorize and intimidate the opposition on a personal level. We want these people in office???
  20. I am appalled at whoever did this. This woman is being attacked and no one else is.. NEver has anyone hacked into Obama or Bidens email accounts. It’s obvious they are afraid of her impact on the American people and should be. She is amazing!! And to bring up the fact that she is doing business emailing on personal account, THERE IS NOOOOOOOOOO PROOF to that… and she was not doing PERSONAL emailing on her business account. People are looking for something! STOP!!! Someone INVADED her privacy its terrible!!!
  21. Another example of how nervous the left is about Palin. Their candidate was comfortably in the lead until she joined the McCain ticket, so they have to do whatever they can to slow the momentum. What the left can’t seem to grasp in spite of endless failed attempts, is that America doesn’t like personal attacks on candidates. If you want to go after something substantive that reveals how they might be as a President, it’s fair game (e.g. being associated with left wing or right wing radicals), but when you attack their children, or try to make something of nothing, it backfires. I love what they’re trying to do, because it’s going to make McCain/Palin more attractive in the long run!
  22. This just shows the lengths the liberals will go to destroy Sarah Palin. Commiting federal crimes in an attempt to embarrass her or trying to dig up dirt. It just shows that liberals have no moral code, no ethics, and no character. Obama is the most unqualified candidate for President in 150 years and yet someone like Ms. Palin, who has more qualifications to be President that Obama, is subjected to this type of vendetta.
  23. This is amazing. An illegal and deliberate act of aggression and the Dems just stand by smirking. But the most interesting aspect of this is the lack of dirt found in the e-mails. I imagine they were looking for a “clinging to their religion and to their guns” type of entry that you might expect from Obama, but Sarah Palen is an open book and that’s what scares them more than anything — an honest politician.
  24. How quickly would the AP have responded and fully cooperated had this been Obama’s e-mail that was hacked? I would bet they would be falling all over themselves to say that this was a racist, GOP attempt to smear Obama. The AP is a biased “opinion” driven organization that no longer qualifies as a news source as long as they blatantly support Democrats and just as blatantly shun the Republicans.
  25. This is a fascinating example of the scortched earth approach the libs have employed to win this election. But what is more fascinating is that were no ‘gotchas’ in the stolen e-mails — Sarah Palin is the real deal. I wonder what would Obama’s emails would reveal.
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