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Everything posted by olyclimber

  2. its evolution in action. getting ready to battle for female against other male contestants.
  3. olyclimber

    Palin Nicknames

  4. They are certainly better than nothing Marc! I don't think it is the best design though. As I said, those made up my first rack, and I sold them as soon as I could afford to "upgrade".
  5. https://www.thebmc.co.uk/News.aspx?id=2761 those where the first cams i owned..partially based on price.
  6. Can some one bring a laptop for the slideshow? I might have one, but would at least like a backup. Ketch has the A/V setup (along with Tokogirl/Teresa) taken care of. And thanks for your previous offer for the keg Teresa! Looks like we got that one taken care of.
  7. [video:youtube]2GA3a15xF0c
  8. [video:youtube]rDS8gRnc5Nw
  9. 1 keg of Mannys, 1 keg of Roger's pilsner are the plan. Thanks to Toast for the hookup for a great price at Georgetown Brewery!
  10. olyclimber

    The Debate

    Check this crib out! http://www.cnn.com/video/#/video/politics/2008/09/30/dnt.mccain.house.for.sale.ktvx I lol'd at the Obama ad that ran right after the clip.
  11. Still looking for folks to bring some firewood. If you have some in the Seattle area I can bring some up in my truck.
  12. Its an unfortunate situation that is not made better by us poking each other in the eye over speculation as to who did it. It sucks to have your mind on the security of your stuff when you're out climbing. If you can, leave extra stuff at home. And if you see some one sketchy in the Index parking lot, you might just want to have a short conversation with them (though I suppose this might have its own risks). I think that is why retail stores generally come and say hello when you walk in the door...it lets a potential shoplifter know that there are eyes on them so they better not steal. Keep your eye out for those Craigslist yardsales with gear as marked above!
  13. For the slideshow on Saturday night: 1. Blake showing slides of the new routes he has put up this year 2. Sol showing slides of new routes in the Enchantments 3. I have one other guy that I'm waiting to see if he'll get back to me. 4. After that we can have it open so you all can show slides if you want.
  14. the shorter one will. and fyi Pete didn't do what he is thinking there with the crowbar with them.
  15. So I'd like to get a rough headcount so I know how much food to bring up for Saturday night and how much beer to get. Post if you're coming and how many will be coming up with you. I don't need to know that you're not coming, thanks! Slideshow will be on Saturday night, but I'll be up on Friday night with the beer.
  16. But nice of you to host your own party! Drop-out 2008? Is that because you're dropping out of society to start your own drag queen climbing school???
  17. Sorry Raindawg, but Ropeup is a SERIOUS EVENT!VERY SERIOUS!!!! Besides, you meant to post this in spray anyway!
  19. 10% odds at USSM
  20. a link please, oh great linkenator!
  21. who here recalls the Steven's Pass Hotel (Croft named a pitch after it up at Midnight)? Apparently it rented by the hour? (and no, not the one in Goldbar on Croft Road).
  22. wish i had brought the camera, rollercoaster chimney is so cool looking. it almost pulled jerf into it, but we weren't sure about the gear and only had small stuff. rollercoaster looks like buttlips at index, but longer and it spirals upward.
  23. I'll ready the rocket!
  24. This should be fixed. Credit to Timmay for quickly updating his TR mod! In case yall didn't know, Timmay has a biz called Chinook Technologies. http://www.chinooktc.com/
  25. Trip: Midnight Rock - The Flame>Traverse Date: 9/30/2008 Trip Report: I bashed my toes on the drive up when running to the bathroom in flipflops. Went up the Flame and finished to the top via the Traverse. Hard 5.8 climbing. Wasn't sure about rap, so walked off to climbers left. Walkoff sucked. Disregard this, testing board modification. Gear Notes: Duct tape to stop toes from bleeding. Approach Notes: The trail up. Are there any spaces in this text?
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