26730 -
Days Won
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Everything posted by olyclimber
Thanks for your contribution Raindawg and Pope! Somehow I suspected your favorite TR would be your own. Note to all: Do not turn this thread into the usual wankfest that seems to be associated with Dawg and Pope's contributions on these forums. The topic is clearly stated in the title, and its not best pissing contests on CC.com. Thanks!
Kit's going to show a movie that was made with 8mm.
Think of your senator and your representative's votes as mere tools of the free market. THE MARKET HAS SPOKEN!
Well, since Obama has dumbed down the issues, we may never know the absolute brilliance of McCain/Palin.
Joe Two Six Packs and a 40 here!
i can see papua new guinea from my house
they should have a similar set up for climbers who have the sent a hard route
JUST OVER AT HUFF POST. SAW THAT THE PALIN THAT WAS TALKING TO COURIC WAS A LITTLE BIT ANNOYED! HUFF POST ISN'T MSM, SO ITS GOOD STUFF. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2008/10/03/palin-on-fox-news-couric_n_131655.html
Look into my eyes - you will see What you mean to me Search your heart - search your soul And when you find me there you'll search no more Don't tell me it's not worth tryin' for You can't tell me it's not worth dyin' for You know it's true Everything I do - I do it for you I picked one of those up on sale today...so now we are really set.
Locking this thread temporarily so your egos can cool down. I moved part of the thread to spray...go ahead and continue the conversation there regarding whether Raindawg can climb 5.13 or not, and wild speculation as to who took the gear. I'll unlock this later, but if you come across the gear, post in Alpinfox's Craigslist thread! HERE
cool...perhaps we can use that for coverage of the slide show equipment saturday night?
so who can bring a tarp or two (with some line to string them up)? just want to be prepared. Also....for Saturday night, if you can bring a dish to share, that would be awesome. CC.com will be providing dawgs/buns/condiments/maybe some other stuff. We are still hoping to have coffee brewed up Saturday and Sunday mornings. I'm psyched to see what Kit has to show! Should be an interesting campfire Saturday night.
could you explain the video in 2 folksy sentences? i don't have the time to watch that shit as a hard working middle class america. i don't have time for your socialist, unemployment living ways.
Palin is a Powerhouse! She does remind me so much of Reagan. A GREAT COMMUNICATOR. Despite what the media and Democrats say, she is intelligent, thoughtful, compassionate, and funny. I wish I could vote for her as President. Sarah is the ONLY one that is from outside Washington and can get rid of the corruption in Congress.
I am so proud Gov. Palen did such an outstanding job. It is so refreshing to listen to someone who appears to be sincere and honestly concerned about our people - not the politicians. I just hope everyone was as impressed as I was and I believe she would have very little trouble taking over if anything did happen to McCain - which I do not want to happen. Also, Fox is the only news organization I trust.
First of all, I believe there was a clear winner and that was the canidate that spoke with honesty. It doesnt matter about all the facts and figures of how someone voted. It is all about now. The person that can look you in the eye and say “I know how you feel, been there, done that” is a canidate worth looking at. People that have lived on the hill for years have no idea what is true or false any more. They have lied so much, they begin to believe their own lies as being true. It is nice to see a fresh face, that hasnt been brainwashed by the Washington Political Scene. Some one that can think for themselves and not worry about how the person seated next to them will think of them if they vote the wrong way. Sarah is like a breath of fresh air sweeping down to blow away the political smog and stench in the DC area. You Go Girl. McCain/Palin all the way
I was just siting here reading the comments posted, and it hit me. I hope Obama does win this election, and in four years when he and the Democrats have ruined our countries economy and turn it in to a socialist joke. Then I want to hear the same people slam Palin because of the way she speaks when she sounds like MOST of the people in the country who haven’t been coached on how the speak. The lady runs a state, and the worst thing people can find to say about her is they don’t like the way she speaks! Not one person can find a thing wrong about the way she has governed her town or her state! If the way you pick your president is by how well they speak, how they look, and the size of the crowds they draw instead of basing it on what they have ACCOMPLISHED and not just talked and on the actual decisions they have made then those who vote for him deserve what they get.
John F., you ought to come up and ask Kit if those were his 'biners on the Girth!
I just confirmed that Kit Lewis will be showing slides! I'm pretty sure this is something you shouldn't miss!