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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. test test
  2. test
  3. test
  4. shouldn't the fact that you're assuming he doesn't know this disqualify you too? Since we were talking about "the status quo", no. Reading comprehension, Ivan. Try to follow along. insults aside, fuckworth, his question could quite logically have been intended to get you to agree to the concept of background checks so that he could then make the point that the status quo you favor fails to actually prevent the legal sale of weapons to cons n' kooks. why let a little thing like logic get in the way of trading barbs w/ bitches, though, eh? and what was your verbal on the SAT anyhow, oh-master-of-the-written-word, huh, huh?!? Above is how it comes out unedited. yes that does appear buggered. another thing to add to the list.
  5. WHAT?
  6. Well then let me be the first to congratulate you Marc. Nice work!
  7. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/27374946/ more from the lamestream media!
  9. Well I have been monitoring Fox News, and it turns out they might not be "Fair and Balanced" after all! They seem to be running mostly only stories that are negative to Obama and positive or at what passes for positive these days for McCain!!!!!! So mavericky and not at all like the Lamestream Media. How do they get away with saying they are "Fair and Balanced"??? HUH??? WHAT???? HELLOOOO>????????S:lalkeql;kqe'r' qep2[krvsdafe4q34535rgvscx Z
  10. That was according to Focus on the Family. WHO KNOWS????
  11. I heard on the radio that if Obama is elected president then gay Scout leaders will be sleeping in tents with young boys. Also that life as we know it would cease to exist.
  12. I heard if from a friend, who heard it from a friend
  13. Finally got that one solved. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/27363874/
  14. There's a new Joe in town and his last name isn't Biden and he isn't a plumber! http://www.wjla.com/news/stories/1008/563913_video.html?ref=newsstory
  15. thats all olds too
  16. When does news cease to be news, and become olds?
  17. Could U get me MSI WIND for UR birfday pleez?
  18. Unbelievable McCain Vs. Obama Dance-Off - Watch more free videos
  19. anyone with answers to these complex problems is clearly and elitist. further, they are probably a muslim nazi marxist socialist who is out of touch with the middle class because with all their book learnen they have worked a 12 hour day in the coal mines, the auto factories, the wheat farm, the golf pro shop, the bondage equipment factories, the toothpaste plant, the...GOD BLESS AMERICA, LAND THAT I LOVE STAND BESIDE HER AND GUIDE HER
  20. americans. its time we take this climbing board back from the know-it-all elitists who think they are better than everyone else. these people, with their georgetown cocktails parties have run the great board into the ground. look around you, you work-a-day, average, six pack drinkin guys and gals that make this fine board of ours work. we need to kick the rascals out.
  21. But you like how she looks, eh? Here are some more for ya. is this a chinese commie suite??? Hope this helps!
  22. Happy Birthday Dirtlip! lets go climb something
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