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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. yeah if Obama doesn't save us all from the problems that he clearly created then he'll deserve to get kicked out!!! stock market is down today. UR ON NOTICE OBAMA!! I said: improve You say: "save us" Freudian slip? Sure you didn't see him as a Messiah? with this market the terms are pretty much synonymous. if things do improve this year, he might just BE THE ONE.
  2. yeah if Obama doesn't save us all from the problems that he clearly created then he'll deserve to get kicked out!!! stock market is down today. UR ON NOTICE OBAMA!!
  3. that sums up your barry bashing thread succinctly
  4. [video:youtube]MvFSgXpyhoM
  5. olyclimber

    WTF Goldbar?

    from L'worth i've given up on Hwy 2. I-90.
  6. well pink, maybe if you hadn't got us into this mess if the first place :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
  7. love isn't always on time
  8. love isn't always on time
  9. love isn't always on time
  10. love isn't always on time
  11. olyclimber

    Bug vs. Hugh

    sometimes its so hard to tell when you guys are joking and when you are not. as such, we may need to shut down spray for maintenance for a couple of days. thanks for your understanding.
  12. Starting April 15th, Dylan Johnson, Cascade Section Ambassador for the American Alpine Club, will be hosting quarterly slide shows (alternating between Seattle and Eastside) for the purpose of bringing climbers together to share their slides and experiences of recent climbs. Each show will offer four 15-minute time slots, but otherwise feature an open format. These events are free with refreshments available for purchase, the proceeds of which will go towards the Cascade Section's Climbing Litters Program. Mark your calendars now. The spring show will take place at Marmot Mountain Works, 827 Bellevue Way NE, Bellevue, WA 98004 from 7:00-9:00 PM. Call (425) 453-1515 for directions. Interested in attending, showing your slides or helping out? Please contact Dylan Johnson (dytrsi@yahoo.com).
  13. olyclimber

    Bug vs. Hugh

    Old women? Stop being racist Rob!
  14. find your cape and wizard hat, and be attentive. this is DARPA's vision.
  15. http://www.topgear.com/us/features/more/project-sipster-sipster-indeed/
  16. http://www.myswitzerland.com/en.cfm/home/summervacations/page-Tab_Home-Home_Summer-330925.html
  17. olyclimber


    are you talking about free vouchers for the car wash? tell me more. oh yeah....and FIX IT! [video:youtube]yo3uxqwTxk0 is that you?
  18. olyclimber


    jeez, thats what i thought when i opened this thread! whats the link about?
  19. olyclimber

    Novelty ID

    dude, i'm pretty sure you're old enough to drink. i think the legal drinking age in Canada is 6.
  20. Things are tough. Sometimes you have to deferred scheduled service on the BMW
  21. olyclimber

    Rock hard?

    if it floats and its not a duck, then its a witch
  22. http://www.computertan.com/
  23. hai gai, whats your sign? sickie
  24. olyclimber

    Rock hard?

    yeah. especially if you drink the water.
  25. olyclimber

    Rock hard?

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