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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. [video:youtube]gx7lz5X2vKk great song. hahahahahhahahahahah!
  2. that one above is the wrong pic
  3. If he is, then perhaps this other poster, you, then Alpinfox can make like Russian dolls and nest. I love it when things just fit together like that. Here is to serendipity!
  4. This Wednesday night! There is going to be an American Alpine Club Cascade section slideshow tonight (wednesday) at Marmot Mtn works over in Bellevue. There will be 3 short 15-20 minute shows from Dan Aylward (Waddington), Roger Strong (Mt. Temple) and Dave Burdick (Patagonia) starting at 7pm. Marmot Mountain Works: 827 Bellevue Way NE, Bellevue, WA 98004 Hope you can make it!
  5. [video:youtube]9lp0IWv8QZY makes me want to go get on a 5.12 climb. maybe i can do it?
  7. kewl mtn biking [video:youtube]mYIKfEU8yl8
  8. Albert Pujols (Albert Poo-holes) Mike Sweeney (Mike's Weeney)
  9. yes. but then i laugh at a lot of things
  10. I've been in this situation a couple times before myself. When are the "Olgas" of the world gonna give me a break?
  11. There is a time and place for criticism. There were definitely some lessons learned for the guys on this trip. Hopefully one of them wasn't "don't post your TR on CC.com".
  12. for that i will kick your a$$ at the picnic. bring band aids.
  13. a boy named kevbone
  14. I wore a cotton penis sheath, and only a cotton penis sheath. Very Red Hot Chili Peppers's of you... But its not hiking unless you wear gaitors...so you were clearly doing something else.
  15. They did say in their TR that they had -20 and -40deg bags. Word of unsolicited advice to the noobs: get some lighterweight bags. Don't listen to this dude...he just wants to sell you a used sleeping bag. I have carried a -10 degree Polarguard sleeping bag before, and now my whole pack weighs less, including licker.
  16. I have done some stupid stuff like that myself. One time I carried all this unnecessary gear up as "training" on hikering/climbing trips. It is the idiocy of youth. Or in my case I was just being an idiot.
  17. http://cascadeclimbers.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/topics/870842/TR_Shangri_La#Post870842 reading about actual climbing/skiing is as interesting as a proctologists clinical notes To bad you didn't stick your neck out and share all your mistakes so the folks at NWHikers could stop by and tell you about what you did wrong. Did you wear any cotton on your trip?
  18. This sounds interesting. I like hiking! Did he had some excellent advice?
  20. While yall were discussing hemorrhoids, Peter Puget and I were witnessing the sun shining on opening day. Extra innings and the M's win. I think I even saw Peter, but he turned his head in disdain.
  21. Things are progressing and if you've been wondering how you contribute, you will very likely have a way to do so. Most likely it will be in the form of $, as we'll need it to buy the land and secure it as place to climb for future generations. We may even be able to work out a few other issues at the same time, such as getting toilets out there. The details are being worked out still, but if you have ideas for helping raise the cash to buy the place for climbers (perhaps eventually ending up as a state park with protections to preserve climbing), please share them.
  22. See the stores on the left...they'll all have something, and they bring you cc.com too!
  23. dang, thought this thread was about pilates
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