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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. I think the worst punishment is knowing that all you old guys saw me naked. I just think you guys are all just perverts.
  2. Yes, by displaying some leadership and responsibility here we can ensure that climbing can continue on "off-nesting" season. And very cool pic! (not the toilet one, the bird defending its nest )
  3. 4/20 dude! you can see the future!
  4. my bet is that the primary demographic purchasing such a shirt is not in the military
  5. trazzixhy to be insiteful. can't.
  6. this thread offends my sensibilities. i'm going to medicate with these all stars [video:youtube]wXGgWf2lacM
  7. So you went over to NWHikers in these conditions? WHAT ARE YOU AN IDIOT? I have more internet postings than any sane person would have, and many of my climbing buddies have over 3 thousand posts on Internet forums. I'm speaking from considerable experience and of course am 100% ego free when I tell you that you are risking it all by going over there is these conditions. Think of the children for chrissakes. I have a tote-n-chip card and proudly carry a penknife, except on airplanes when they take it away. I also have a camping AND hiking merit badge, and I'm not afraid to post on any internet forum as such. Next time get some training for experienced slab boulderers before putting yourself and others in danger this way. Thanks, The Humblest Living Entity in the World, Jake Porter
  8. did you see me at the game opening day peter? i think i saw you. but you gave me a cold look and i had to sprint off to find ulee before he got lost in the crowd.
  9. the 30 year old rookie tonite.
  10. the past two games have been magickal. i'm feeling it.
  11. olyclimber


  12. yeah...like the brilliance of Autograph [video:youtube]dfMT1hhhgZY
  13. olyclimber

    Reality TV

    http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/30217529/ this is awesome. they should get Palin and Clinton on there too.
  14. http://cascadeclimbers.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/forums/10/1/The_Yard_Sale
  15. Due to reasons of supreme humility I must limit discussing how incredibly awesome I am.
  16. but i won't mention them, as my ego is infinitely small
  17. well why don't you post YOUR resume. and i would like to see how many non-accredited people you climb with. unfortunately you can't list me. I have credentials, including a drivers license and several professional credentials that come with little cards for my wallet.
  18. i hope you enjoy your new title. i'm not sure who would have put that there...perhaps it occurred naturally.
  19. And I mean that in a very positive and joyful way of course
  20. You've gone and taken it too far you jackass. Wait till the picnic. My buddy Tom and I have big plans for you. Mostly involving soap. And socks of course.
  21. all i can say is that if some one thinks they are more humble than me, i dare them to say so to my face at the picnic...if i show up. depending on the posts i may decide to stay home if i feel i am in danger of breaking a nail.
  22. I'm probably the best at keeping my ego in check than anyone I know. Its inconceivable that anyone could be better at it. If there was a record in the Guinness World Records for humility, I would own that shart hands down.
  23. and as for JOY...more info about that here: http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_ss_gw?url=search-alias%3Dstripbooks&field-keywords=The+Joy+of&x=18&y=18
  24. Hi Kev! Thanks for joining in the fun! As per the wiki for positivism: "Positivism is a philosophy which holds that the only authentic knowledge is that based on actual sense experience. Metaphysical speculation is avoided. Though the positivist approach has been a 'recurrent theme in the history of western thought from the Ancient Greeks to the present day' [1] and appears in Ibn al-Haytham's 11th Century text Book of Optics,[2] the concept was first coined by Auguste Comte, widely considered the first modern sociologist,[3] in the middle of the 19th century. In the early 20th century, logical positivism—a stricter and more formal version of Comte's basic thesis—sprang up in Vienna and grew to become one of the dominant movements in American and British philosophy. The positivist view is sometimes referred to as a scientistic ideology, and is often shared by technocrats[4] who believe in the necessity of progress through scientific progress, and by naturalists, who argue that any method for gaining knowledge should be limited to natural, physical, and material approaches. In psychology, a positivistic approach is favoured by behaviourism." You can read more about it here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Positivism
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