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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. woot
  2. nice
  3. Q: After all these years, how do you do it? A: My faith in human kind, blue pills for stamina, and of course my incredibly good looks.
  4. [video:youtube]ofrSio_jZO0 this text is included in the post to give Dirty Harry something to read
  5. congrats on going blue in 2008 pink!
  6. Hey everyone, I just want you to be aware of an access issue that impacts one of our favorite climbing areas. The owner of the private property that comprises the Lower Town Wall area wishes to sell to a quarrying company. Full details and discussion can be found here: http://www.washingtonclimbers.org/Current/Town.htm This situation is tenuous, but members of the Access Fund and the Washington Climbers Coalition have opened a dialogue with the owner. My request as a part owner of this board but also as a person who considers Index to be among the top places to go climbing is that you temper your discussion of this topic on the board, and not endanger any negotiations taking place to secure the LTW as a place that future generations can someday climb at (including my son). If you have energy or desire to contribute, please focus them towards the organizations that are already involved: The Access fund and/or the WCC. The American Alpine Club might be involved as well. In this matter I believe it is important that we watch we say on the board. While it is fun or cathartic to spray or get angry on Internet Boards such as this one, to many (including law enforcement, the non-climbing community, and perhaps even the court of law), this board represents a face of the climbing community. Thanks for your understanding, and I'm very hopeful that this can be resolved with our access to Godzilla, Japanese Gardens, and the rest of the climbs preserved.
  7. LOL that was great. Post part 2! Prole might be right...the way you berate the libs, hipsters, and ecotards here is not unlike the way he was "giving it to" his american swap wife
  8. the solution is simple. smash the neck of the bottle over the kayak, and wah-la, your der wiener now fits the bottle!
  9. + boones has an amazing taste and it won't slow you down like other light beers
  10. you could try compressing the boones.
  11. yukon is Canadian! the yukon is also american, and alaskan to boot. check yer maps.
  12. DAMN YOU GOT A WINE COLLECTION THERE!!! What year are those?
  13. yukon does keep with the Alaskan theme, but keep in mind that stuff is also used to clear grease off of engines.
  14. All girls like wine coolers. So get those, you'll get some every night. Guaranteed.
  15. Apparently they don't like the taste of paint thinner. It is an acquired taste...much like the taste of freedom and liberty and truth and stuff.
  16. I'm telling you that there people that will tell you to drink Jim Bean Black. That stuff is paint thinner. I can say that if you get caught in the wind and big waves to break out the licker and drink it all then. That way you won't lose it if you capsize. Also: STAY WITH THE BOAT.
  17. SWEET TROG!!! Before you take off, you gotta let me pro deal you some FUBU. Sorry I missed your party!
  18. technically, i'm a douche, not the bag. if you want to split pubes. which i know you do.
  19. used to listen to that shart on the radio all the time during my formative years. we only got canukia radio on that part of the olypen.
  20. royal canadian air farce
  21. who wants to argue vehemently over trivial issues?
  22. olyclimber


    so edgy. so arty. life as art. art as life. living on the edge. provoking.
  23. http://blog.toyota.com/2008/12/prius-battery-change-is-no-big-deal.html
  24. Some answers since i know how to use the googlez: http://www.hybridcars.com/faq.html#battery
  25. Erden, how long is the battery warranty? And what is the expected life for the battery? Also interested in if the battery is then replaced or refurbished. Just wondering how "eco" the cars really are... With a combustion engine the impact is well known.
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