Hey everyone, I just want you to be aware of an access issue that impacts one of our favorite climbing areas. The owner of the private property that comprises the Lower Town Wall area wishes to sell to a quarrying company. Full details and discussion can be found here:
This situation is tenuous, but members of the Access Fund and the Washington Climbers Coalition have opened a dialogue with the owner.
My request as a part owner of this board but also as a person who considers Index to be among the top places to go climbing is that you temper your discussion of this topic on the board, and not endanger any negotiations taking place to secure the LTW as a place that future generations can someday climb at (including my son). If you have energy or desire to contribute, please focus them towards the organizations that are already involved: The Access fund and/or the WCC. The American Alpine Club might be involved as well.
In this matter I believe it is important that we watch we say on the board. While it is fun or cathartic to spray or get angry on Internet Boards such as this one, to many (including law enforcement, the non-climbing community, and perhaps even the court of law), this board represents a face of the climbing community.
Thanks for your understanding, and I'm very hopeful that this can be resolved with our access to Godzilla, Japanese Gardens, and the rest of the climbs preserved.