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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. lil bird linked me this: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/04/07/AR2009040703979.html
  2. So in other words...you are incredibly selfish... dude, did you not know? i am the calm little center of the world. you vying for sainthood? st bone does have a fine ring to it... kevin is a great climber and a great dad..... well, at least your a great dad ivan pink, you and kev are so cute! i love the way you guys hang together.
  3. olyclimber

    Grocery Outlet

  4. I thought you might enjoy this excellent music video [video:youtube]ntzCi1lu2ys
  5. here is the problem condensed into a music video [video:youtube]2jUkkhs3NCE
  6. Or it could be rap music.
  7. Broadly, Continental philosophy often sees human beings as essentially social beings. We are thought to exist at our deepest level in and as a community. We depend on others not merely for our existence, but for our very sense of ourselves, and our awareness of others is claimed to be at the heart of our awareness of ourselves. Opposed to this view are those who see each of us as aware of ourselves and our experience in a way that we can never be with respect to any other human being. Self enclosed, we are seen as needing to reach an understanding of the inner lives of others, somehow, on the basis of our own unique awareness of our inner lives. However, this denies us the comfort of a more direct closeness. We live forever with a gap between ourselves and others. To have one or the other of these two diametrically opposed views is to differ profoundly on fundamental human experience. Each can lead to very different conceptions of human existence and interpersonal relationships, and, indeed, to different ways of living, and different relationships.
  8. geezus, you're drunk off your ass. i'll preserve this for you.
  9. people are shooting and killing and murdering each other like crazy. daily shooting in church, workplace, schools. fucken country is going batshit. must be obama's fault. either that or its bush's fault. or hilter. i'm not sure.
  10. you should teach your childs to talk normally. that is unacceptable.
  11. You didn't see the sequel. It was made to brainwash the children into accepting different sexual preferences. The ponies have unicorns horns and I found the whole thing definitely past "R" rating even though its supposed to be for kids.
  12. She is probably on Mt. Rainier.
  13. the intestine lining is a nice touch
  14. best use of Generra Hypercolor technology to date
  15. olyclimber

    This Is It?!

  16. I'm glad that happy people can get married in Vermont too now. It would suck if only depressed people could.
  17. Yes, I'm sorry for this. I'll fire up the avatars and generate more content.
  18. Did you see Burn After Reading? Burn after reading was a great movie and Brad Pitt was awesome in it. Wow Kev, you and I both have a big CRUSH on Brad! WELCUM TO THE CLUB!
  19. Sometimes I just swear off air for seconds at a time. Its all in the mind folks! Seriously, you don't miss it at all!
  20. olyclimber

    WTF Goldbar?

    I think I'll just move the mirror into this room.
  21. olyclimber

    WTF Goldbar?

    Damn, I'm gorgeous.
  22. olyclimber

    WTF Goldbar?

    WTF! Just because I'm hip doesn't mean I'm not cool. Jeez people, give us beautiful people a break. It isn't easy being better than you lowlies every day.
  23. TERRE MOTO!!! I was in Sienna in 1997 when one hit Assisi. [video:youtube]u1Fer3yMo5I
  24. the cat is pissed you're selling his pack. you might want to keep the pack out of its reach till its sold.
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