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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. Check back here. We should have a way for local Seattle pickup very soon.
  2. There are those here that will criticize the Walmart puptent. The Walmart puptent symbolizes the struggle of the capitalist system. The struggle of value vs. perception. The battle of marketing vs. reality. There are those that will criticize. But they are feeble minded dribbling drooling fools. The Walmart puptent represents all that is clean and beautiful about the great outdoors. There are those that are critical of the Walmart puptent. Their minds have been ravaged by corporate war on their own minds, they have clearly lost in this battlefield of common sense. Have pity on them, but be content in your Walmart puptent. The piece of mind in knowing that you have made the right consumer choice and your fat wallet should be enough.
  3. bhahahahahahahahahahaha http://www.google.com/#hl=en&source=hp&fkt=1612&fsdt=4497&q=walmart+puptent&aq=f&aqi=&oq=&fp=5b7cf21b103219ea
  4. It doesn't take a degree in economics to realize that Walmart puptents are the best thing going. I fully expect that Walmart will be at the next OR, and that their booth is going to be off the hook. At this point I think we should put together some sort of a poetry contest to see who can put into writing how much they love their Walmart puptent. Maybe I can start a new Walmart puptent forum, dedicated to discussing the merits of and sharing the love that is the Walmart puptent? Walmart Puptent? Walmart. puptent. walmart.puptent. walmartpuptent
  5. kick it down if you can. all profits are headed to one of your favorite hunks of granite in the big pnw.
  6. [video:youtube]Bc5cOohfHhA
  7. you're making hit records.
  8. you down with Jamie Foxx?
  9. whats the matter, is it Barbara Streisand?
  10. when i was kid i thought skiing was something rich people did, as my family was quite poor (not saying we didn't live well though! who doesn't like to milk a cow every morning?). but that is just half of it...there is also that i didn't know anyone(adults either) that skied out on the Oly Pen. good for you dane. i'd say that most youngsters need a mentor to teach them good climbing practices too, which would go along with that gear.
  11. olyclimber

    Reporting Bugs

    i can see the TR just fine and I'm running Firefox. However, I'm running a later version...3.5.5 on OSX. Can anyone confirm if the latest version of FF for the PC works?
  12. http://www.radaronline.com/exclusives/2009/11/shocking-video-ouch-hulk-hogan-beat-pulp-ric-flair
  13. i got you a bottle sobo http://www.komonews.com/news/offbeat/70195307.html
  14. [video:youtube]98ew0VtHmik
  15. sweet! i hadn't seen one of those activated before. glad to know they appear to work somewhat!
  16. trucks loads of cash. just show up and start throwing it out of the back of the truck in LA.
  17. i'm looking forward to the day that the Index Lower Town wall is in the bank. Thanks for participating in another step towards making this happen!
  18. Oh, and it was good to see you all!
  19. Big thanks to: Steve Swenson Joe Puryear Sky Sjue MC Matt Perkins Mark the AV God Mountainmatt and Stewart Kurt Jim Scurlock Off ToTheTop and EVERYONE who added to the Index kitty! Hope you all get some good use out of the gear you won. If you're still looking for that North Cascades National Park poster, check at Pro Mountain Sports in Seattle or Edgeworks Climbing in Tacoma.
  20. I'm headed out the door very shortly, but make sure to bring money for raffle tickets! We have a drink special, but this is all about raising money for Index Lower Town Wall!
  21. you don't have to take mle's word for it, i can attest to the awesomeness of the neighbors! you will be hard pressed to find better ones.
  22. [video:youtube]WMKmQmkJ9gg
  23. wow! thanks for sharing. those images have a special quality to them that cannot yet be captured with a digital camera, sort of like vinyl records I guess. what an incredible trip. this one is crazy, and gives some scale to the place
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